Kristine Oller
You Forward Strategy Session

You’re in the spin cycle when you know that you want to (or have to) make some decisions and possibly changes, but, right now, the only thing moving is the relentless swirl of your concerns, fears, and hopes sloshing through your mind.

As you spin – during each day, during each night (during each stop at each traffic light) – my guess is you can feel yourself hemorrhaging energy

Some other feelings you might be feeling: trapped, ground down, adrift, overwhelmed... 

...but maybe there’s also some nervous excitement, some pulsing desire, and some impatience about getting this next chapter of your life started already (which you would do if you only had some clarity around the best next steps to take... and some courage to take them.) 

This spin cycle has probably prompted you to have some conversations with your smartest, most compassionate friends. 


You’ve talked and they’ve listened. 
You’ve talked and they’ve offered advice. 
You’ve talked and they’ve thrown you a personal pep rally (or two). 

Together, you’ve been spinning through your cycle, over and over and over and over. 

(But at least you’ve been reaching out which is always a great thing to do when you feel stuck.) 

And now, you have found your way here. 

And, naturally, you might be wondering: 

“How is having yet another conversation going to move the needle in any way?” 

Well, for one thing, this next conversation will be with me

I will hear your story and connect your dots in a very different way – also with the intelligence and compassion your friends provide, but adding objectivity, discernment, experience, and a massive toolkit (of helpful tactics, approaches, and strategies). 

I have developed an exceptional depth and breadth of skills and insights during two decades of listening to, guiding, and supporting hundreds of big-hearted humans through the complex circumstances of their personal and professional lives. 

Which means our conversation will be one that ends with you gaining some much-needed clarity – which will feel like sipping a tall, cool glass of relief

Clarity slows your spin cycle waaaay down. 


Because having a clear, effective plan of action exerts a kind of gravitational pull over your thoughts. 

Rather than spinning around and colliding with one another, your thoughts will begin to coalesce around your plan.

And, as your thoughts are pulled into alignment, you’ll become more inspired to take action and you’ll begin to feel more powerful, purposeful, and peaceful than you have in a good long while.

These 90 minutes will allow us to begin exploring, processing, and planning – so that, as you move forward, you're moving towards the texture of life that you desire.

This package includes

  • 90 min session

  • we can speak via the phone or Zoom

  • session expires 12 months from date of purchase

  • this is is a non-refundable investment


All sessions are confidential between the two of us and I record them only so that you have a copy of the conversation to refer back to. You’ll receive a post-session email from me which will include a link to a page where you can download the mp3 file.

Formal preparation is NOT required for our private session – you are welcome to show up as-is and we can take it from there. Some clients email me notes in advance of our session (at least 24 hours, please), while others use our time together to feel their way around an issue or a project. Either way works equally well.
