Michele Genesis
  • You will have a 30 minute initial phone consultation, 24/7 access to me as your coach via the fitness app where we can message and chat 1 on 1 anytime. You will have your macros calculated and learn the process inside and out. There will be (at least) bi-weekly check-ins and as much (or as little) support as you need in between. 
  • I will be available 24/7 for feedback and encouragement. 
  • Although we will focus on nutrition, you will also have a weekly cardio and step goal we will set together.
  • You will have the option to connect your Apple Watch and MyFitnessPal and I will be able to see everything you see on your dashboard. Either you can use my app that is similar to MFP to log and track food or we can connect MFP.  Some settings may have to be adjusted for me to see your daily food logs.
  • You will be posting progress photos in the app, make sure you are okay with me seeing them 
  • I will be sending out a separate link via email to the app we will be using, you will need to create a profile and play around with the app before we get started 
This package includes
  • 1 x 30 min appointment
  • Quick Start Guide PDF
  • Macro Basics PDF
  • 24/7 Access to Coach 
  • Macro Calculation 
  • Check-ins and encouragement
$150 + 2 payments of $100 (monthly)