Michele Genesis
  • You will have a 30 minute initial phone consultation, 24/7 access to me as your coach via the fitness app where we can message and chat 1 on 1 anytime. There will be (at least) bi-weekly check-ins and as much (or as little) support as you need in between. 
  • I will be available 24/7 for feedback and encouragement. 
  • You will have 3 workouts a week pre-planned on a calendar. You can move them around or add or take away when needed. You will also have a weekly cardio and step goal we will set together.
  • You will have the option to connect your Apple Watch and MyFitnessPal and I will be able to see everything you see on your dashboard. 
  • You will be posting progress photos in the app, make sure you are okay with me seeing them 
  • I will be sending out a separate link via email to the app we will be using, you will need to create a profile and play around with the app before we get started 
  • You will want to either have access to a gym or have some weights and bands at home. If you can't thats okay, we can modify the workouts but it would be best to have weights/bands or a gym!
  • FREE Macro quick start guide in case you want to learn a little about macros
This package includes
  • 1 x 30 min appointment
  • Quick Start Guide PDF
  • 24/7 Access to Coach 
  • 12 Week Fitness Program
  • Check-ins and encouragement
$125 + 2 payments of $75 (monthly)