Caron Yep
Resilience at work (Profile and coaching session)
SPECIAL 2: Wellbeing at work coaching session and profile now A$210 incl

40% off (includes Personalised profile and 60min Coaching session)  
AUD 210 inclusive of GST (usually $350 + GST)

What you get:
Prior to your coaching session you will take the well validated Resilience @ Work questionnaire which provides a comprehensive feedback report personalised for you on the seven components of resilience.

In the follow-up 60 mins coaching session we will debrief these and translate them into practical actions with an emphasis on building on your strengths to better managing stress and any specific work challenges you are facing.

You will walk away with a clear action plan to build and maintain resilience for 2022 with a number of resources and strategies to help you around  the seven key components of resilience.
This package includes
  • 1 x 60 min appointment
  • Resilience at Work Personalise profile
  • Tailored resources and strategies to achieve goals