Emma-Jean Lee - Wing Woman
Integrate & Embody

Creating your own brand and using your zone of genius, in my humble opinion, is not only the best personal development there is, it's channeling gifts and uplifting humanity.  It’s about fully owning all the parts of yourself and living into the full expression of who you are.   

- You've done a lot of inner work and made shifts that feel incredible. 

 - You have taken a stand for this one phenomenal life and invested heavily so far.  Before moving into another high-end program, you want to take a breath, consolidate your knowledge and take action on all the new learning.  

- You have begun the outer work too and this can look different for different people. You may have created your offering, designed the website, cultivated an awesome social strategy or you maybe standing at the precipice of ideas.  

- You'd like more clarity as to how you bring everything together and to honor the commitment you've made to yourself to bring your gifts to light. 

Going it alone after years of systemic conditioning that runs deep can feel like you're in the abyss and it can be easy to fall back into old ways of being.  Right in this moment in time we are dismantling patriarchal paradigms and rebalancing our masculine and feminine energies.  This requires us to be intentional with the support we receive when unlearning the learned and with integrating and embodying a new way of being, doing and having.   

You know the power of coaching.   There is a synergy that takes place.  An unfolding occurs and you become grounded in who you are and what you’re doing.  There is power in calling in your support team.  As a mission driven, creative you know that integrating all that you have learned so far will build a solid foundation for you and your work to build upon.  

Hiring a coach is not dissimilar to hiring a personal trainer.  I’ve always thought of coaching as an act of self-care for my mental and emotional well-being.  Personal training for the body, Transformational coaching for the mind. It helps you to get back in touch with who you are behind your life and business.  And like personal training, you are giving yourself the gift of time and space to continue to keep your work potent.  

The type of things that come up when working together include:

- continuing to build trust within yourself
- sustaining the habits that nourish you
- consciously integrating the tools and practices you have learned
- embodying the way of being that feels good to you
- navigating both having a job and all that comes with that, along with making space for your own creative pursuit. 
- we take a careful look at where any resistance is coming up and work on dissolving it
- conflicting commitments that get hidden amongst the many layers
- Identity work
- rebalancing the masculine and the feminine
- through the in-depth conversation, I am able to support you in developing your content along the way

It is very much down to the individual and I meet you where you are at.  

As your wing woman, allow me to support you in continuing the work you have begun. You have the program, you know intellectually what you need to be doing, now it's time to integrate and embody the work in a way that is unique and feels good to you.  

  Emma-Jean x 
This package includes
  • 12 x 60 min appointments

Bonus: Sacred Money Archetypes assessment with a follow up session
  •  1 x 1:1 60 minutes session to uncover your money blueprint so that you are able to shift your perspective on money.  Identify where you may be getting hooked with beliefs and values that just don't serve you anymore.  

3 payments of £500 (monthly)
Client Feedback
“ I found each session inspiring and re-energising. It has helped me to reframe my situation. The most amazing thing is how much confidence Emma-Jean has given me. She has instilled a belief that I am more than capable and edged me forwards on my path to integrating my life. ”
— Jessica Baudey (Artist and Creative)
“ I cannot thank Emma-Jean enough for that call. It literally kick-started everything. Since those first few adrenaline fueled weeks, I have achieved a tremendous amount, with Emma-Jean right by my (metaphorical) side: I ran two marathons in April 2018, recovered from pleurisy, grew my business, began speaking and networking at events, running workshops online and in person, started a feminist podcast…looking back it seems surreal. ”
— Siobhan Strode (This Sister Scribes)
“ Working with Emma-Jean helped me to get back in touch with who I am behind my business. Our work together was very “deep dive” and challenged me to see myself from a different, more empowering perspective. She had a major influence on me creating my most aligned and signature product to date. The most valuable aspect of working with Emma-Jean is that she doesn’t give you her opinions and thoughts on what you ‘should’ do – rather she inspires you to find those answers for yourself. ”
— Britny West ( wild woman poetry + artistry)
“ Working with Emma Jean is always an inspiring experience. She is passionate, encouraging and supportive. She really listens. She reflects back your thoughts and offers different perspectives that assist you in identifying the next steps on the journey to your goals. ”
— Maureen Payne (teacher creative)