Body Alchemy Fundamentals
I want to free you from the idea that you must live with pain or feeling old 
Your body holds all the clues you need to move with ease & freedom whatever your age 
These valuable Insights just need to be revealed 
Every injury, illness or strain you have had in the past creates a small adaptation in your body 
By adapting over and over again your body moves away from its naturally balanced state. 
This can result in aches or discomfort that just appear with no direct cause 
I take a holistic view of your whole body and look for the small ways we can rebalance and create efficiencies that address the root cause. 
You may have had treatment in the past and are still experiencing the same problem. 
By only addressing where the pain, stiffness or discomfort is you only achieve part of an outcome 
My goal is to give you the tools, treatment and information that enable you to thrive 
And then we build in protection so that you become more resilient and avoid future strain 
Elevating your health 
This package includes
  • Holistic Whole Body Assessment & Movement Analysis
  • One month of follow up & support
  • Personalised daily movements to restore balance