Krista Hand
These co-active life coaching sessions are an exploration in knowing and caring for yourself. “Love Yourself More” means loving yourself more than anyone else can love you; and loving yourself more than you love anyone else. 

The most important relationship you have had, have now, and will always have is with yourself. Treat yourself as you would treat your beloved. Let everyday be a day of self-care, self-love, and enjoyment.
This package includes
  • The 60-minute co-active life coaching session are part of the journey toward self-knowledge and self-acceptance, which can be radically life-changing.  
Client Feedback
“ “Thank you so much for the time we had together yesterday! I feel so much more joy and freedom after being with you and understanding more how 5s work and in particular your channeling in my beloved friend and delivering so many beautiful words of comfort to me around that. Knowing he cares deeply about me helps me feel more anchored and confident in myself and our friendship. He even texted me last night saying he loves me. I waved a little flag outside his cave. Thanks for the advice to breathe and know the answer. Patience is easier now.” ”
— Eve