Ascend and Transform! A 6 Month Journey To Personal Growth

"Unlock Your Full Potential with Our Guidance!"

Ever felt held back by your own beliefs? We get it – those lingering doubts that sneak in when you least expect them! 😅

But as your dedicated coach, I'm here to help you conquer those limitations. Together, we'll uncover your true desires, dreams, and aspirations. This journey will ignite your path to a brighter future.

We call it a 'deep dive' into the self. It's about gaining fresh perspectives and a whole new outlook on life. The result? You'll have the power to make confident, life-changing decisions.

And here's the exciting part: Our program is a 6-month subscription. You'll receive monthly coaching sessions, plus a bonus of 3 additional sessions, ensuring that your transformation is comprehensive and lasting.

Why wait? Begin your transformative journey today. Sign up for your first session now and start creating lasting, positive change in your life."

This package includes

"Here's what's included in our exciting 6-month subscription program:

1. Monthly Coaching Sessions: You'll have regular one-on-one coaching sessions, 60 minute per session, to address your goals, challenges, and personal growth.

2. 3 Bonus Coaching Sessions: In addition to your monthly sessions, you'll receive three extra sessions to dive deeper into your transformation journey. You can choose how to use these bonuses as follows: 
Each session is 35 minutes
1 per month, 1 every other month, or all 3 in one month.

This comprehensive package is designed to ensure that you receive the support, guidance, and tools you need for a lasting and positive change in your life. Don't miss out on this opportunity to unlock your full potential!"

Single session (1) for  60 minutes per month. 
  • Total amount of sessions = 6 
  • 3 Extra Bonus Sessions
  • A Contract for this package 
  • Meeting via phone/Zoom

$377 / month