YNAB Fit Check
Whether you’re thinking about trying YNAB for the first time or stalled in your YNAB progress, we’ll use this 30 minute call to discuss your personal financial goals and work together to answer these questions:
  • Are YNAB (the method/philosophy) and YNAB (the software) the right tools for you and your goals? This is an important question even if you’re already using YNAB!
  • If YNAB is the right path, is working with a YNAB coach for you?
  • If working with a YNAB coach is the right path, am I the right coach for you?

Why a Fit Check?

You Need a Budget (YNAB) is a phenomenal tool for allocating, forecasting and tracking your money. It has a steep on-ramp though; before you spend 3+ hours getting set up and learning about the YNAB method, let’s make sure it actually does what you need it to! During our call, I’ll take notes and afterward send you an email with resources specific to your needs and your learning style. This call also gives us a chance to make sure we’re comfortable with one another. If you decide by the end of your call that you’re ready for a coach, we’ll discuss next steps.

Sliding Scale Pricing Guide

Please choose the price that feels financially comfortable for you. Truly: I do not check which price you choose ahead of our meeting, and the only reason I don't offer this for free is that more people take me up on the intro half hour now that I charge for it.

I've recently added a full price option by popular demand, as I've received a number of emails from folks who were uncomfortable accepting a discount. The highest price is equivalent to my a la carte consulting rate.

This package includes
  • 1 x 30 min appointment
  • Customized action plan based on our call
  • Sliding scale pricing (choose what fits your financial situation)