Human Design Energy Connection Coaching
Get ready to revolutionize your relationships!  The energy you create as a duo is DIFFERENT than the energy you create as individuals.  Learn about how you can harness that power in this joint coaching session.   This kind of session is great for couples, business partners, family members, or friends.  Every relationship in your life can benefit from integrating another level of understanding!

***It is not necessary to have any prior knowledge of your Human Design to do a joint session, but if you have already explored your designs (either with KaylaCare or elsewhere), let me know, so we can spend more time talking about you in partnership!***

Wondering if Human Design could strengthen your relationships?  IT ABSOLUTELY CAN!  In this joint coaching session, we will discuss the unique energy your connection has and how you can harness that energy for better communication, connection, and flow, so you can start feeling more satisfaction and success as a duo! 

Human Design is a system that comprises a slew of ancient systems including Astrology and the I-Ching with modern scientific concepts like Quantum Physics and genetics.  I use this system as a tool to help you understand how your energy shows up in the world and how it interacts with those around you.  This brings light to how you’ve been conditioned to believe you should live, as opposed to the brilliant and amazing person you truly are, and the energetic connection that exists between you and your partner. 

In this joint 90-min session, we will look into how your energies intertwine.  As a duo, you create a totally different energy than you do as individuals, and this energy needs to be nourished just as actively as your individual energies do.   I will help you to discover the best ways to find your flow together, so that you may see the energy of your partnership in a new light!
This package includes
  • 1 x 90 min virtual session via GoogleMeet (a joint session where both partners must be present)
  • A personalized Google Doc with an HD report for both of your individual designs, your energy connections, and recommendations based on our session together
  • A recording of the session, available to download for 30 days after the session