Amy Schuber
Space Clearing
Space clearing includes:
  • A conversation with Amy around why the space feels heavy, distracting or distorted to start
  • A clearing of the energies within the space whether it be home, business, office

Things that may be blocking, cluttering or distracting you while in the space:
  • Do you work with clients and they leave their energy behind in the space?
  • Do you run a retail store or business that has a lot of foot traffic, with a lot of energies coming and going throughout the day?
  • Do you work in an office space that has multiple people sharing the same space?
  • Do you ever feel stuck, discombobulated or unfocused in your space?
  • Does your space feel cluttered or heavy for no reason?
  • Have you recently purchased a new home and it feels off?
  • Have you recently moved into a new home or space and would like to clear the previous owners/tenants energy? (previous owners/tenants energies stick around no matter what and if there have been many owners/tenants the energy multiplies and builds through the years)
  • Feeling frustrated, irritated, having sleepless nights, change in financial status, changes in mood?
  • Just need an energy refresh in the space because it feels off and you can't quite describe why?

Clearing your space is like a spring cleaning, it needs to be done every once in awhile to clear the energetic clutter and distracting energies that come to stay. It's amazing how clarifying, motivating and inspiring it can be once a space is cleared!

Benefits of a Space Clearing:
  • Allows the space to feel comfortable, relaxing, peaceful and inviting
  • Opens the energy to flow for you and your family/colleagues/clients' best interest
  • Makes way for happiness, health and prosperity in private and commercial spaces
  • Clears personal and business challenges that may be occurring in the space
  • Brings peace and clarity to a what might have been a chaotic energy in the space
  • Anchors positive energy and good intentions for the inhabitants of the home or business
This package includes
  • 1 remote space clearing
  • Personalized space clearing, based on what might be slowing your energy or your business energy down
  • A conversation about what's working and not working in the space and what you'd like to achieve in the home or business
  • This is a remote clearing, not onsite. 
  • Contact Amy for pricing if you'd like her to be on location for the clearing.
Client Feedback
“ "Having Amy Schuber in your life in ANY capacity is a most miraculous experience. Her presence brings inspiration, her opinions and life experience bring peace and I find her a strong sounding board of which to bounce life decisions off of. I leave each conversation refreshed, uplifted, and encouraged to go out and live my life in BIGGER ways than I might have thought I was capable of. Having Amy on your side is soul quenching and a truly genuine experience-the real stuff life is made of.
" ”
— Kate, San Clemente, CA
“ "Amy Schuber is a genius at reframing a seeming negative situation in a way that actually inspires and motivates you. She is a powerful motivator and gives you the tools to make true change in your life. Amy is a necessity to anyone who has the desire to make deep meaningful changes in their lives.
" ”
— Annie, Los Angeles, CA
“ "Amy has a way of listening that gets to the core of the matter for helping make changes for the better. Her loving and direct insight has provided a light to my path countless times. She holds me accountable and consistently helps me breakthrough stuck areas to take actionable steps toward what I most want in life. If you have the opportunity to work with Amy, do it!
" ”
— Julia, Newport Beach, CA
“ After purchasing my home and moving all my stuff in, something didn’t feel fully complete! I hired Amy to do a home clearing, it changed everything! My home felt clear, safe, and released all of the old energies from the previous owner. It all came through as soon as I walked in after the clearing. I didn’t realize there was something heavy until I felt the change and the difference a clearing makes. It was instant. I wish I worked with Amy during the home buying process, maybe It would’ve been even faster and easier. ”
— Mira, Thousand Oaks, CA