Mattia Mauree
Hypnopsychedelic Breathwork Session
(No drugs involved!) Hypnopsychedelics uses only breathwork and hypnosis/imagination to reach a temporarily altered state of consciousness.

There are three main reasons people choose this session: 

1. Experimenting with altered states in a completely safe way.

This does not require any previous experience with substances!

It's a great way to explore different states of consciousness completely safely and under your own control.

2. Bringing a novel and fun approach to a "big problem"

When you're facing a problem or an area of stuckness that feels really big, this takes a quick and creative approach rather than trying to "solve" the problem logically.

During the session—besides feeling good through deep relaxation—we also reach a deeply resourced state. It grows your sense of internal possibility until it's bigger than the problem. That means your body will feel comfortably quiet and then let your unconscious surface creative insights and clarity for whatever you're facing.

Even that emotional shift can bring quick relief. This is a fun and open-ended approach, and you always find surprising answers!

3. Using this state to "revivify" a previous positive experience involving substances that was not fully integrated, and integrate the elements of it you want to access in your life now. 

For example, if you had a deeply nourishing experience years ago and it feels separate from your daily life, we can bring those feelings back and integrate them so you can access those feelings in your current life at will.

This can look like feeling more access to love and safety, feeling connected with the universe, knowing that everything is going to be okay... the same reasons you may have sought those experiences in the first place!

Breathwork and health conditions: 

The breathing techniques are gentle and only last for 1-3 minutes at a time. Most of the session you will be breathing normally as you "float" in the experience. 

However, if you have a health condition that affects breathing, please let me know and we will use alternate breathing techniques. 


If you want to ask about a health condition, or whether your type of situation makes sense for this session, please email [email protected]. You can expect a personalized reply within a few business days.  

The sliding scale is completely up to you... no need to ask for permission! Please select what feels right for your situation.
This package includes
  • 1 x 45 min session
  • Recording of session to remember insights and be able to walk through the process again