Robin Clark
Discovery Session
This is the place to start if you're interested in ongoing coaching work!

A successful coaching experience—where you look forward to sessions, move towards your goals, & feel fulfilled by the process—starts with a strong, comfortable connection in the coaching relationship. During this 30-minute initial video call, we'll talk about the challenges you're facing, explore the areas where you want to grow, go over my approach to coaching, and decide if we're a good fit for doing some empowering work together. I look forward to meeting you!

A bit about my coaching work:
My coaching sessions are $250 and are offered on a every-other-week basis. If this structure and investment works for you, great. If not, you're welcome to book a Power Hour session whenever you'd like, but let's not do a discovery session as this is for folks who know this structure and investment 100% works for them.

I want to make sure you have the best support possible so please read the following before booking your session!

***Coaching IS for you if you are:
• Single, in a stable relationship, or you've left a relationship.
• Resourced & ready to learn new things, try new skills, and make meaningful changes in your life with you & your needs at the center of your choices.
• Actively committed to yourself & your growth, & you know that participating in feminist coaching, & receiving the education, skill building, support, & guidance that's available in this unique container, will make all the difference in your ability to reach your goals.
• Focused on learning how to be an amazing partner to yourself. You may want a relationship or learn how to upgrade things in your current relationship, but your primary goal, deep-down, is to become a great partner to yourself.

***Coaching is NOT for you if you are:
• Unhappy in your relationship but you can't decide if you should stay or go. There are a lot of attachment dynamics happening in this situation that are best supported with therapy.
• Destabilized from: trauma, a jarring event, an abusive relationship, a very difficult breakup, or you're struggling with an addiction or an acute mental health issue. The support you need in all of these cases is, again, best supported by therapy.
• Looking for a hack to expedite your growth process. We all wish there was one, but there is no quick-fix, least of all the depth-oriented coaching work I do.
• Highly focused on finding a relationship & you hope that if you fix yourself, then you'll find The One. There are coaches who do this work but this is not the aim of my work. 
(If you need a therapist in the US, a great place to look is Psychology Today. Look for practitioners in your state as therapists work under a state license.)

Scheduling across different time-zones can be tricky!
Please remember to check/change your time-zone before choosing your appointment time (in the top right-hand corner on the booking page).

Please note:
Your appointment booking will only be confirmed once you've complete the pre-session QUESTIONNAIRE/SURVEY. The survey will appear right after you select your appointment time. If you haven't completed your survey at least 24 hrs. before to your session, your appointment will be cancelled.

Lastly, I have a 24 hour cancellation policy. If you cancel with less than 24 hours notice, your session fee can not be refunded. 
This package includes
  • 1 x 30 min appointment
Client Feedback
“ "Robin is absolutely the best coach I have ever worked with. Even having a master’s degree in Women’s Studies, I was hesitant to dive deep into such feminist work. What would people think of me if I got this help? What would they think of the woman I would become as a result? After my first call with Robin, I realized that these voices were just another aspect of patriarchal conditioning. Working with Robin is like downloading a wiser, more loving version of my higher self into my head, a self that isn’t weighed down by conditioning from my family, society, or the religion I grew up in." - L ”
— Coaching testimonial
“ "I cannot imagine my life without Robin. I feel significantly changed. She guided me through the murky waters of my mid to late twenties, to discover the grounded, mature woman within myself. All of my relationships look very different, they’re much more reciprocal and fulfilling as I’ve learned to set boundaries and speak my needs. I’m more confident, more vibrant, and more myself than I’ve ever been. Her honesty, depth of insight, and encouragement have helped me locate and trust my own inherent strength. She also has an amazing sense of humor that provides the perfect balance to her direct, no bullshit approach. I always feel that she is right here with me, both challenging and rooting me on. The time spent and financial investment has been the absolute best of my entire life." - O ”
— Coaching testimonial
“ "I was burnt out from work, not happy in my relationships, and severely lacking boundaries in my life. I gave too much of myself, constantly pouring from an empty cup. I was living my life the way others expected me to and it wasn't working anymore. Working with Robin, I've learned so much about myself, from my childhood conditioning and trauma, to how my lack of boundaries was hurting me at work and in my relationships. I now understand the work I need to do - namely, to reparent myself and heal my codependency. There are no quick fixes to these things, but it's so worth it to do the work. I now feel I'm operating out of a place of love and understanding for myself. I can't recommend Robin enough! She holds safe space and supports me more than I've experienced with any other therapist/coach. She's kind, honest, and often holds up the mirror I need to see myself so I can work through my issues. I honestly wish I'd met her 10 years ago." - K ”
— Coaching testimonial