Heather Ruesch
You Matter Tour™ Discovery Call
The You Matter Tour™ offers student assemblies, One-on-One Mentoring/Coaching for teens, and Workshops & Retreats focused on instilling a culture of value in your school, campus, church, family, or community. 

This package includes
  • 1 x 30 min appointments
Client Feedback
“ I’m a 16-year-old guy and just wanted to say thank you for reassuring me that I’m not necessarily a “broken human being” for this. I’ve never really believed that but some people have said it to me when I get uncomfortable because they’re talking about sex. Thank you.” - HS Student, 2021 ”
— Marcus
“ "I met with Heather for over two years. In the beginning, I was struggling with a lot of social anxiety and self-image things. I love that Heather became a part of my life that reminded me to focus on the right things and taught me how to accept myself for the strengths I have to contribute. My sessions with her changed my life and I know that I can call her anytime if I'm going through anything." - HS Student, 2022 ”
— Brianna