Kate Campion
Coaching consultation
Before you book your free consult, please read the following.

I help midlife women create joyful and fulfilling lives.
This can look like a process of self discovery, followed by designing a life where who you are, what you want and what you do, all matches up.
It can also look like working together to support you in achieving your goals,  whatever they might be.
The purpose of us meeting is for you to see if I am the right coach, offering the right program, for you to reach your goals. 

During our call, I'll share the ways we can work together. 

As a guideline, Life beyond the checkbox: Self-discovery is 10 sessions and is $1250. This program is for women who are not sure who they are, what they want, and why they're here. 

Customized life coaching is  available in 8 session or 12 session packages ($1200 and $1800 respectively) These fit best when you want to create and achieve goals for yourself in this new phase or have something specific you wish to work on or get support with.

All coaching is 1-1 and done via Zoom. Payment plans are available for all my programs. 

Feeling good about working together is important, so I don't do hard sells. You're welcome to book your free consult to learn more without being asked to sign up on the spot.
This package includes
  • 1 x 30 min appointment via Zoom  