Sara Soble
Individual Coaching Session
Individual coaching sessions are powerful opportunities to resolve the specific challenges you are facing. 

Every woman’s journey is unique. The shift towards growth is individual and internal. You may request support for as long or as little time as you need. Each coaching session is 50 minutes. Most challenges require a number of sessions. As such I invite you to release expectations of having a precise timeline for this work.  

The first session will be mostly devoted to your relationship history, and we will begin to identify the dynamic that is holding you back in your marriage. 
The following sessions will follow a regular pattern- I will invite you to share what is on your mind. Together we will explore the challenges you are facing. We will question the underlying beliefs and perspectives that are impacting the interactions in your relationship.  Then, using the 13 Relationshift Principles, we will process the mindset shift and actions that will support the growth in yourself and your marriage.

 Ultimately, this is about you, and this work benefits you beyond your marriage relationship. When we grow our perspectives, we grow ourselves. Part of our premise is that the challenges that we face are not in our lives randomly. Every relationship and circumstance is by Divine design and is therefore purposeful and contains a gift. There is a gift available for you in your situation, and we are here to uncover it. 

I acknowledge your willingness to travel this road, and look forward to celebrating the growth in you and your marriage! 

This package includes
  • 1 x 50 min appointments
  • In between session support: You may be in touch during the week if you need through email, text or whatsapp- written messages only.  I do not coach over whatsapp or text, but I may respond with a quick pointer or question to help you refocus when I can.
  • Absolute confidentiality
  • Free weekly group coaching calls with a Certified Relationshift Coach. 
