Your Wild Year
We will gather at each turn of the Wheel of the Year to give ourselves time, space and grace.

Full programme to be confirmed, but initial plan:

Yule - Winter Solstice 
A video guide to this season with several ideas for rituals you can hold quietly at home to give yourself quiet, calm, rest and contemplation of the light to come.

Imbolc - Spring begins 
A candlelit ritual to consider what bounty we are open to this year.

Ostara - Spring Equinox
We will burn incense to cleanse our space and mind and pull cards to help us reflect on the balance of what we're receiving from the world and what we're giving.

Beltane - May Day
At this time of celebration of the union of god and goddess, intellect and intuition, we will gather for a guided visualisation.

Litha - Summer Solstice 
At this moment we will gather to pause. To be. To focus purely on the now.

Lughnasadh - First harvest
To mark our own personal harvest, we will create a roll of achievements - emotional, spiritual, healing and practical.

Autumn Equinox
Sasha Glasgow of Frank + Feel will join us to guide us through a reflective journaling session.

Samhain - Celtic Year End & Beginning
At this time, we will gather to release that which will restore balance to our lives and prepare us for the Winter. 
3 payments of £45 (every 3 months)