Emma-Jean Lee - Wing Woman
R & R Strategy Session
Creating time and space for a truly collaborative inquiry of where you are and where you want to be is imperative to building momentum, bringing your creations to life and keeping your work potent. 

- You've taken all the courses (they've been incredible and you've loved all the new learning)

- You've invested in group programs and you've made good progress. 

- You're tuned in and turned on to bringing your vision to life.  

- You're reclaiming your feminine power and working on healing & dismantling the patriarchy 

You've been doing pretty well on your own but actually, it would be awesome to gain clarity on where you are and your next steps. 

R&R is an opportunity to really stop and take stock so you can continue bringing your creations to life.  

Let me support you move from what can feel like an abyss to the Gateway. 

This package includes
  • 1x 90 min appointments
  • A thorough questionnaire to begin digging deep and get you thinking about where you are and where you want to be.
  • 15 minute follow up call a week after your session to see how you are going.

Client Feedback
“ “After an hour on a call with Emma-Jean, she gave me the space to figure it out and I felt like my wings had been released. We quickly established how institutionalised I was. Stuck in the mind-set of being done to. Like we do as teachers. I’d had my self-esteem whittled away with constant observations and negative school culture. 10 years in the classroom full time had left me feeling like I had nothing else to offer the world, and the freelance/supply juggle was taking its toll.” ”
— Siobhan Strode (This Sister Scribes)
“ "I would highly recommend working with Emma-Jean to help yourself get 'unstuck' through recognition of those things that are working for you and those that are not. A genuine facilitator in the journey to being your authentic self." ”
— Emily (Intervention Teacher)
“ "There is power when you get to 'talk your thoughts' and have someone subtly ask questions to get you to think deeper about your inner most thoughts. During our session, it felt like a laid-back heart search. I think too often we over think things and miss the things that we really want. After out I session, I did a lot of thinking about 'what do I love'? I've been a tad geeky and signed up for a computer courses that I've wanted to pursue. I decided that I need to embrace the real me more." ”
— Marcia (Year 7 & 8 teacher)
“ Be open to what you think you want. Coaching isn’t just about achieving material goals. Emma Jean can help you work out and express more of who you are and gives you confidence and belief that you do have expertise and skills to share that you might not be taking full advantage of just yet. One of the benefits working alongside Emma-Jean is becoming intentional with how I integrate my creative, teaching and spiritual self on a daily basis. ”
— Jessica Baudey (Artist)