Ute Haahr
Metabolic Balance Plan
The Metabolic Balance® food plan trains your body to use fat as energy instead of glucose / carbohydrates, helping you to move towards your weight loss goal and teaching you weight management skills for a lifetime.
The diet consists of 3 healthy meals a day. There are no meal replacements, shakes, calorie counting or fat free products. It’s all about pure food that you can buy in your local supermarket.
Metabolic Balance ® is a scientifically based nutritional program based on your blood values and unique health profile. It was founded by German physician, Dr. Wolf Funfack and is backed up by over 25 years of research and experience in nutrition, obesity and related metabolic disorders. So far it has helped more than 1 million people around the world naturally loosing and maintaining weight.
The Metabolic Balance® food plan is a personalized, educative 4 step plan, supported over 3 months, based on your current health status, your blood values (37 blood marker) , medical history and the foods you like. An innovative algorithm produces your personalized eating plan, based on the foods, which work best for your body chemistry.
The personalized program promotes hormone balance by regulating the amount of insulin your body produces, thus helping reduce food cravings, promote fat burning and long-term weight regulation.
Initially, you will give a blood sample, which is sent to the laboratory to be analyzed, from which your personalized healthy eating plan is generated. After receiving your personal nutrition plan, as your nutrition Coach, I will guide you throughout the duration of the program, offering support and advice in order to help you achieve your goals of general wellness and weight loss.
This package includes
  • Comprehensive medical blood lab testing
  • Individualized food plan 
  • 6 Coaching sessions
  • Unlimited E-mail & Phone support
  • Additional follow ups can be scheduled until you have reached your specific goal (Discounted Single Session Fee applies)

    *Optional payment plans are available.
Client Feedback
“ "I did a lot of exercise trying desperately to loose weight. Metabolic Balance helped me finally to manage my weight and I even stopped smoking." ”
— Hillary Blosser
“ Metabolic Balance helped me feel great again. I am energetic and like looking in the mirror again. I am very happy with my results. ”
— Michael Rhodes