Schedule a Discovery Call
ARE YOU READY to embrace the new life that awaits you?  If so, I'm ready to meet you. 

This 30-minute complimentary discovery call is a time for us to explore and decide if we choose to work with each other. 
This package includes
  • 1 x 30 min call with Jen
  • Complete a brief questionnaire to share your biggest challenge to address and why this is important to you.
Client Feedback
“ "After working with Jen I have experienced what I can only describe as deep internal growth. Jen’s ability to connect to her intuition and her unique insight and guidance makes her an excellent coach. She always created a beautiful safe space for me to share, be vulnerable and explore the various parts of myself…even the ones I had been avoiding. :) I’ve had a lot of shifts in our time together. I feel more clear, expressed, and confident as a result." ”
— Tania D.
“ “My experience with Jen was nothing short of transformational. During our time together Jen helped me see my blind spots and widen my horizon of possibilities. One of my favorite parts about working with Jen is how I effortlessly melt into curiosity and openness during our sessions. She makes me feel extremely heard, seen, understood, and supported. I recommend Jen to anyone who appreciates a birds eye view of things and having their perspective lovingly challenged.” ”
— Kat D.
“ “Coaching with Jen has been instrumental in helping me through one of the most difficult periods of my life. I felt like I was being crushed by stress and anxiety from the situation I was dealing with. She taught me techniques for physically releasing my feelings and emotions instead of bottling them up. I've been able to use these techniques to let my emotions out before making decisions, to ensure I'm acting from the right headspace instead of reacting. She helps remind me to focus on the things that I have control over in my life, and not give my time and energy to the things that aren't worth it. Now, I feel more at peace and free in my life. I'm able to focus more on what matters most to me. I'm able to be more present with my child, and be a better mom, daughter, sister, and friend. And I know if similar challenges arise in the future, I'll be better equipped to handle them.” ”
— Becky P.