Vasi Huntalas
Recharge Your Mojo in 7 Days (Free journal download and energy meditations)

Do you think about meditating but never get around to it?

Do you go from one activity to the next and have little time for yourself?

Here is a simple way to set up a morning and evening "touchpoint" with your True Self. 

I created this free gift from over 20 years of coaching busy women to find their calm place within. It will help you begin and end your day feeling clear and connected.

Enjoy recharging your mojo!

in joy and flow,

This package includes
  • Guidebook with morning/evening journaling prompts for 7 days  (29 pages - downloadable PDF)
  • Energy Meditation for Morning and Evening (2 - MP3 downloads)

NOTE:  When the "Appointments" page is displayed, click on the "Content" tab at the top of page to access your downloads.