Kirianne Suriano
The Discovey Call
It's my passion and purpose to empower and support you to look within yourself for answers. I am not the expert on your life, but I am a powerful tool for you to use to help transform your thinking and improve your life outcomes. 

I will teach you how to upgrade your mindset in any situation so that you are creating new powerful and positive thoughts that will lead you to have more confidence and a feeling of excitement about where your life plan will take you. 

Together, we will figure out exactly what your thoughts are about any situation and how they are serving you...for good or for bad? 

Do any of these life circumstance questions resonate with you....

✔Money- how do you feel about your relationship with money? Do you frequently worry? Does it impact your day-to-day life? Do financial setbacks discourage or motivate you? What influences your financial behavior? Do you feel you deserve financial success and stability?

✔Relationships- how would you describe your current relationships? Are they satisfying or do you feel unhappy or unfulfilled? Do you focus on flaws more than positive traits or good moments? Do you believe you are deserving of love and respect in a relationship?

✔Time- how do you feel about time? rushed, relaxed or running out? Do you find yourself wishing for more time? How do you handle unexpected changes or interruptions to your time? Are there tasks consistently pushed aside? What tasks do you wish you had more time for?

✔Emotional Health- do you often feel stressed or upset? Do you feel in control of your emotions or feel controlled by them? How do you handle negative emotions? Do you feel free to express your emotions freely or do you suppress them? Do you have routines or specific practices to take care of your emotional health?

✔Physical Health- are you content with your physical health or have room for improvement? Do you feel that you have control? How do you approach fitness and nutrition? Do you feel that physical health can be a burden or an essential aspect of your well-being? How do you respond to physical setbacks like illness or injury?

✔ Career/Business- are you satisfied with your current career? Do you believe there is more you could achieve? What are your beliefs about work? Do you believe you have control over the success of your career or business? Are there past experiences that are influencing your current career or business mindset?

✔Spiritual Practice- does it bring you peace and fulfillment or do you find it challenging and unsatisfying? Do you have control over your spiritual growth and development? Do you feel it necessary or something optional or unimportant? How do you respond to spiritual challenges or doubts?

If any one of these questions about life circumstances made you reconsider your own thoughts, mindset and perspective...let's talk it out. Together, we can work through any one of these individual life circumstances or all of them to help challenge your current thinking and upgrade your brain to serve you in a positive way. 

Remember, you don't have to listen to your own thoughts from presented from your brain. You have the power to choose whether that thought is working for you in a positive way in your life and when you can do that, you can exercise your brain with new thoughts - this transformation is absolutely possible with me. 

So what are the signs that you are ready for a mindset upgrade? It's easy for your brain to serve you thoughts to lead you into these negative mindset traps that looks and feels like:
  • Catastrophizing: This is when you always expect the worst possible outcome. For example, if you make a small mistake at work, you might immediately think that you're going to get fired.
  • Overgeneralizing: This is when you apply one negative experience to all similar experiences. If you experience rejection once, you might think you'll always be rejected in the future.
  • Black-and-white thinking: Also known as "all-or-nothing" thinking, this is when you see things only in extremes — if something isn't perfect, then it's a complete failure.
  • Personalizing: This is when you blame yourself for everything that goes wrong, even when you're not primarily (or at all) responsible.
  • Filtering: This is when you magnify the negative aspects of a situation and filter out all of the positive ones.
  • Mind reading: This is when you presume to know what others are thinking, usually negative thoughts about you, without any real evidence.

If you have experienced even one of these thoughts, then it's time to invest some time on yourself and make a change. You are responsible for choosing to listen to your brain and can stop those thoughts and feelings of inadequacy, worthlessness, frustration, anger, anxiety, stress, sadness, depression or hopelessness by falling into the negative mindset trap. 

Instead, together, we can learn how to replace those traps by positively training your brain with optimistic, hopeful and constructive thoughts that may look and feel like:
  • Optimism: You tend to see the glass as half full, focusing on the positive aspects of a situation instead of the negatives. For example, after making a mistake, you might think about what you can learn from the situation rather than dwelling on the error itself.
  • Flexibility: You are open to change and able to adapt to new situations, understanding that change is a natural part of life and can bring opportunities for growth.
  • Gratitude: You appreciate and express thankfulness for what you have in your life, rather than focusing on what you lack.
  • Self-belief: You trust in your abilities and potential, and see yourself as capable and deserving of success.
  • Growth mindset: You see challenges as opportunities for learning and growth, and understand that failure is a natural part of the process of improvement.
  • Resilience: You're able to bounce back from setbacks and difficulties, maintaining a positive outlook even in the face of adversity.

Remember, while it's beneficial to cultivate a positive mindset, it's also important to allow yourself to experience and acknowledge a range of emotions, including negative ones. Striving for positivity shouldn't mean ignoring or suppressing negative feelings. Emotions are a natural part of the human experience, and all emotions provide valuable information about our needs and experiences. We will work through this process together. 
This package includes
  • 1 x 50 min discovery call