Yvette Williams
Temperature Check/Consultation

Hey there, 

Finding the right coach, school, doctor, therapists, and job are all very hard tasks. Consultations allow us the opportunity to interview the service provider (coach/doctor//etc.) and for service providers to interview us to ensure both parties move forward knowing it is a good fit. I am stocked to get to know you a bit and be able to tell you more about Essence of Life Coaching and how I can help you achieve your goals and awaken your essence of life again. You'll also have the opportunity to ask all the questions as this will feel more like a conversation than an interview. 

If you only have a few questions you believe can be answered via email, feel free to email me. If it can be answered via email but you prefer to book a consultation for your questions to be answered, feel free to do so. 

Always sending high positive energy- Yvette! 
This package includes
  • 1 x 30 min appointments