Christie Walker
Spiritual Gifts Coaching
 After taking the Catholic Spiritual Gifts Assessment you have an opportunity to delve deeper into your spiritual gifts and see how they might be used in your life. It’s also a chance to ask any questions you have about the gifts you identified. If you haven't taken the Spiritual Gifts assessment but would like to click here

The assessment is the first step in identifying your spiritual gifts. But what do you do after you know what your gifts are? That's where the 45-minute debrief comes in. This session will help you identify potential areas of giftedness, so you can begin experimenting with them to discern God's call at this time in your life. 

Don't waste any more time feeling confused about your gifts. Let's figure out exactly how God is calling you to serve Him and share the light of Christ with others.
This package includes
  • 1 x 45 min appointment