Seed Session

Bloem Botanicals

  • Package
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  • Session: 90min Online or in person
•  Custom herbal formulation: a unique herbal formulation (or two), included with the
cost of your initial consultation. This might be tinctures, teas, flower essences, topicals, etc.
  • Wellness Plan including herbal recommendations, journal prompts, visualizations and/or meditations
  • $222 (including hst) sliding scale 

Ongoing Cost:
Custom Herbal Formulas: Your initial custom formula(s) are included in the cost of
the Seed Session. Refills are $22/oz for tinctures, salves and flower essences

Come with a problem, challenge or question and leave with a plan. This is a wonderful option if you're looking to dig into a specific singular issue want customized support. We'll do a simple intake including health issues, lifestyle, diet etc and discuss your goal for our session so that you can go forward with a plan and herbal supports custom blended just for you. 

This session might be ideal for you if you are seeking support in;
  • injury support ~ alone or in addition to your allopathic care (ie: broken bone/sprain etc)
  • a nagging pain or cramp that flairs occasionally 
  • specific organ or system support requiring custom formulation
  • energetic support in the form of custom flower essence 
  • a lingering or recurring cold
  • advice on supporting your family's immune system
  • sleep
  • and intro into peri/menopause support
  • general unease
  • and more

In our Seed Session, we'll look into supports for both the tissues of the physical body as well as the emotional and energetic bodies. We'll gently peel back the layers and try to tap into  the emotions or beliefs that may be held in the tissues and see what herbs and flower essences along with neurolinguistic programming techniques might be best. We'll likely do 1-2 meditations/visualizations. 

Together, we'll decide what formula would best suit your needs whether it be a tincture, flower essence, tea blend, salve or some combination of the above. Often this is a tincture with flower essences added in, but we want to craft something that you're willing to take, so be honest about your preferences! Within one week of our session, I'll blend your products and send them out via Canada Post or you're welcome to pick them up in person.

You'll  receive a Wellness Plan which will include a step by step guide on using your herbal blends and any affirmations or meditations we find work best for you. If you would like to order a refill of your herbs, you can do so by simply reaching out. 

If you're looking for deeper support, you can book additional Seed Sessions as needed or enrol in our Bloem Program. 

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This package includes
  • 1 x 90 min appointments
  • Wellness Plan
  • Custom Herbal Formulation


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