Fireworks Coaching Becky Farone
North Star Values Assessment
Are you worried you’ve ended up in the wrong job, career or company and not sure what to do?

Maybe you come home at night and can't stop complaining to your partner about how much chaos is forcing everyone at your company through with yet another nonsensical re-org? Or you wake up with a feeling of dread at the thought of yet another interminable work day at that place with nothing to show for it?

Sound familiar? Then it's time for you to take the North Star Values Assessment and understand why no amount of coffee in the world can shake this feeling of being in the wrong place in your career, especially after turning 40!

You’ll KNOW why you’re increasingly unhappy and anxious and also why you no longer love or even like the career that started with such promise when you were 22.

How it works:

Complete a brief worksheet and then meet with me over phone or Zoom.

At the end you will know
• Why you find yourself getting more angry and frustrated each day. (It’s not what you think.)
• Which experiences truly light you up at this point in your life - and which no longer do (or never did)
• Know exactly - in concrete, tailored for you steps - what you can do immediately to start following your own career North Star. (Don't worry, one of these will only take 5 minutes).

If you sign up for my "North Star Values Assessment" today, I'd be happy to give you a "Ready, set go" discount to make the session $99 instead of $150. I like to celebrate the courage to change!
This package includes
  • 1 x 60 min appointments
  • Your custom list of "North Star" values to use for understanding where you are now - and what might be a better place (job/career/company) to go to
  • Custom just-for-you tips for reducing today's stress for a clearer mind and heart

Client Feedback
“ Becky has helped me identify and apply my core values for more self care and balance in the middle of a very stressful period. I am now more in touch with my strongest self and who I want to be in this world. ”
— MG, Sr. Program Manager