Fully Flo Coaching
Find Your Flow
We start by understanding where you're at right now. 

You might have a specific thing you'd like to work on, or perhaps you don't have anything, but you have a feeling that there's something else out there for you and you just don't know how to access it. 

Once we've got our starting point, we work together to help you move forwards, calling on whatever tools and techniques I believe will work best for you. 

They might include ethical NLP, TIME techniques, EFT (tapping), hypnosis (guided meditation). 

If you're in the horsey world, we can include groundwork sessions with you and your horse, and in person support at events too. 

You'll get direct access to me via a messenger app so that can stay in touch between sessions. 
This package includes
  • 6 x 60 min appointments