First 1:1 Coaching Session
This first initial session is 75 minutes long, and this is where I really get to know you and understand your specific situation. 

In order for me to be able to dive deep, you will have to fill in an extensive Health Form. Be as detailed as you possibly can, as this will make it easier for me to help you. This form should be filled in at least 3 days before our session. 

During our session together I will start creating a healing plan for you. I will make sure it fits your specific needs and your specific situation, and it's always important to me that you're comfortable with everything we decide on. 

When you work with me: 

  • I’ll make sure you really understand the root cause of your skin condition.
  • I’ll help you understand what’s going to help you heal your skin from within.
  • I’ll guide you in how to apply these changes to your unique body and situation.

One session is rarely enough to create long lasting results, and I can't give you everything I know in one session because then you'll be completely overwhelmed. However, I'll do my best to create a plan that is practical, efficient, and that suits your needs at the moment. 

To be able to fully heal from the inside out, you will likely need more sessions. The follow-up sessions are 45 minutes long and are currently priced at €135. You can just go ahead and book your next session, when you feel the need to. 

This package includes
  • 1 x 75 min coaching session
  • Individual healing plan
  • Access to 100+ recipes