Kristin Bartholomew
Finding the Balance 15-Day Journal for Moms
It's time to dig deep and start moving toward your calling, and the Finding the Balance 15-Day Journal is what you need to do exactly that.

Inside this interactive workbook, expect to discover new things about yourself and the world around you. Prepared to be intrigued, entertained, and challenged by a variety of personal stories, interactive response questions, and personal reflection opportunities.

Kristin generously invites you into her inner circle, sharing stories of triumph and failure, lessons about life and loss, and plenty of great throwbacks to her formative years. With a focus on finding the ideal life balance, Kristin invites you to reflect on your relationship between chasing your professional dreams and fostering your own intentional motherhood – which looks different to everyone.

Grab your favorite comfy blanket, a pen, and something to write on, and get ready to find the balance you've been looking for, one page at a time!
This package includes
*** Grab your copy of the Finding the Balance 15-Day Journal for Moms for only $14.99 + tax. To purchase a digital copy of this journal, please check out HERE. Once your purchase is complete, you will receive a PDF version of the e-book via email. ***