Your energy healing
This session is for when you need help facilitating a deeper connection to Source and your own self. Whether that's to release and relieve pain and frustration or to help you make a decision fast! 

If you feel like you're spinning your wheels. If you've asked all of the questions.. If you've thought all of the thoughts...Take a deep breath. And maybe a couple more, it's good for you.

Now, let's tap into your innate knowledge and intuition. Let's clear your channel to Source. Let's hold a meeting with your guides.

Using a combination of reiki, Sacred Soul Alignments and channeling, we will clear and strengthen the information channel you naturally have available to you, but often forget to use. When you open up, you'll: 
  • feel lighter, more at peace, and happier,
  • relieve stress and anger at yourself and others,
  • and have answers available to you when you need them.
This package includes
  • 1 x 65 min appointment
  • delivered via Zoom
  • a recording will be provided via download for recommended repeated listening
(visit for more info)