Empower 1:1 Coaching (3x/mo)
"I have more than enough for my needs". When did you last hear a woman express something like this, anything like this? For me, it wasn't until well into my 40s, and it rocked me. A close friend said that her cup of energy, aliveness, and joy was running over, spilling onto her chid, her ex-husband, her clients, and her friendships.

It moved me. To tears. I wanted that. But how did she do it?

Here’s what she said, and what I’ve discovered as well:

First, she laid down her burden. Before she could even think of embarking on a journey to reclaim her lost energy, her lost self, she had to lay down what wasn't hers to begin with: the cultural messages, conditioning, expectations, un-truths, and outright lies she had been told about being a woman. About being a mother, a wife, a friend, a bread winner, a contributor to society.

She looked at where her energy was going, actually going.  This was a deep, knock-down-drag-out
brutally honest  look at where she spent energy (and over-spent it), and where she was subtly and unknowingly leaking whatever reserves were left. This wasn't just about physical energy. It was spiritual, mental, emotional, and energetic too.

She plugged the leaks, shored up the dam, and began to soak in the waters of self care. Boundaries became easy to put up because by now she knew, she KNEW, that she was worth protecting. And because she was well versed by now in self love, each boundary she placed was placed there lovingly, without bitterness or fear. And everyone around her felt that, felt her love and care and responded in kind.

Wait. What?  Responded to her boundaries with understanding, with love and care?  That's not what we've been told would happen. But that's the thing, the secret sauce if you will: When we treat ourselves with precious loving care, we are inviting everyone around us to do the same. To perhaps even treat themselves the same. (For anyone raising daughters, I invite you to read this paragraph again).

Her journey is now your journey, if you feel called. If you are willing to do the ugly-beautiful work.

I invite you to step onto the path, with me as your guide. Empower 1:1 is a 3-month profound, targeted, and powerful road back to your self. Not the self others see or think they see or want to see but the real you. 

This package includes
+ Three 75-minute sessions every month for 3 months
+ Weekly check-ins and support 
+ Audio practices and Homeplay support materials 
+ Customized breath, sound, and movement practices 
$560 / month
Client Feedback
“ I experienced massive revelations and considerable transformation in our sessions, particularly meeting my inner child for the first time. I found myself being more aware of my thoughts, feelings, how I hold these in my body. My work with Nicole helped me release things I am holding on to and evaluate my relationships and boundaries. ”
— Carrie