Kelly Dickson
Dr Kelly Dickson, Senior Women in Leadership Coaching
Here is an example of a coaching programme package: 

Session 1: "Discovering Your Leadership Essence"
Uncover your authentic leadership style, values, and strengths. Explore your unique leadership journey, reflect on past experiences, and gain clarity on your vision for the future. Set goals and define success on your terms.

Session 2: "Navigating Organizational Dynamics"
Learn strategies to navigate complex organizational structures and dynamics. Develop political savvy, build strategic relationships, and leverage your influence effectively. Enhance your ability to navigate challenges and drive positive change.

Session 3: "Building Executive Presence"
Cultivate a powerful executive presence that commands attention and inspires confidence. Enhance your communication skills, master public speaking, and refine your personal brand. Project gravitas and confidence in every interaction.

Session 4: "Leadership in a Changing Landscape"
Navigate the rapidly evolving business landscape with agility and resilience. Adapt your leadership approach to lead through change, embrace innovation, and drive transformation. Develop strategies to anticipate and capitalize on future trends.

Session 5: "Strategic Thinking and Decision Making"
Hone your strategic thinking skills and enhance your decision-making abilities. Learn frameworks for analyzing complex situations, assessing risks, and making informed choices. Develop a strategic mindset that drives sustainable growth and success.

Session 6: "Sustaining Your Leadership Journey"
Create a roadmap for long-term success and sustainability. Develop strategies for work-life integration, self-care, and maintaining balance in high-pressure environments. Cultivate a support network and build resilience to thrive in your leadership role.

Each session typically lasts 60 and includes a combination of coaching conversations, assessments, exercises, and action planning. 

This package includes
  • 6 x 50 min appointments