Nobody knows what's best for you.

But your body does.
You know what I want for you?
For the things you want in life to come to you easily.
With ease, not effort.

And I know you can have it.
You can have anything you want!!
Because you are worthy of having anything you desire.
You are already worthy, you don't have to do anything to earn it.

Reclaim your whole and complete power.

Trust yourself (first),
and watch as your path forward turns from a bumpy and narrow overgrown  painful little trail into a smooth path, paved with gold with plenty of spaces to stop and rest and drink in the beauty around you!

You can do it.
Everything you need is inside of yourself.

I get it (oh I soooo get it!) the voices inside of you that question everything you do and make it seem like absolutely none of your ideas are ever good at all are just SO flipping LOUD!
How can you possibly hear your own guidance?

Well, sweet thing - guess what??!! They are loud because they have something to say.

So let's slow down to listen.

(I get that too - how slowing down to listen feels utterly terrifying somehow, too!)

You can do it though.

Because you know that everything you desire is on the other side of just that.
And you are the only one in your way.

In our 12 sessions together we will:

Get clear on what it is you want (what's missing? what would you have if you could wave a magic wand and solve all of your problems effortlessly?) and tap into the wisdom of your body to create your own personal path to getting it!

-Three brains system. (my own technique!) You are not just a mind! You have a whole body, and it's always communicating with you. Learn to listen to it, effortlessly!

-Feel good, even while you grow. We used to believe that we needed to hold onto pain in order to grow ("no pain no gain") but now science is showing us that us humans grow MUCH better when we keep coming back to what feels good to us! Anchored in celebration, we get much farther in life.

-VITA tools, the Vital and Integrated Tantric Approach; based on taoism and neuroscience! The perfect blend of old and new to integrate the pieces of your body. This is the framework for our sessions, to which I bring my own personal power and magic:

DESIRE MAPPING: get clear on what you want RIGHT NOW. It doesn't have to be forever!
You've never had this life before! There is NO WAY to KNOW what you want forever. Release yourself from impossible stress by choosing something just for right now. We start to visualise this desire, and meet the parts of your body that may be resistant to you having this.

DESIRE MAPPING: AGAIN! We revisit your desire to make sure it is as crystal clear as a totally unblemished glass heart or a magnifying glass! We meet another part of you that feels resistance to you achieving this desire, and turn to it with our loving kindness so it can feel accepted and release you to finally getting what you want! 

TRANSFORMATION OF THE CAREGIVERS (father figure): reparent yourself to embody and empower your inner masculine to help support you in getting what you want. Whether you had an amazing father or a less-than-amazing father, there will be energy trapped in this relationship that is no longer serving you. *

TRANSFORMATION OF THE CAREGIVERS (mother figure): reparent yourself to embody and empower your inner feminine to help support you in getting what you want. Same same as above ;)  Plus - who doesn't have things they wish they could express to either of their parents?! Here is your safe space to do so. Releasing yourself and freeing all that energy to work towards something that you really want! * 

*have two mothers or two fathers or just one meaningful caregiver? Of course we will create your own tailored approach!!! We’re flexible here, this is just an outline.  

INNER CHILD HEALING: Listen to what your inner child learned about this desire you have and bring them up to speed with what you know about it now! When we start to look we see that our inner child is making a lot of our decisions for us, take back the responsibility to make your own decisions so your inner child can do what kids do best - play!!

CREATING A THRIVING ECOLOGY: Feel what it would be like for you to truly THRIVE in relationship, accept yourself for where you are right now, and have the physical sensation of figuring out how to close the gap between the two.

FEELING WORTHY OF YOUR DESIRES: During this session, we will uncover at what level you feel you deserve or are worthy of your desires. We’ll discover at what level, on a scale of 1-10, that you feel you need to be at in order to achieve your goals. Then, we’ll go through an embodied practice of experiencing that level of worthiness/deservingness. We’ll uncover any resistances along the way and integrate those as we go.

FINDING EMOTIONAL EMPOWERMENT: What emotion feels the most challenging when you consider having your desire? You’ll communicate with the challenging emotion. The intention is to create a new, empowering relationship with that emotion.

THE POWER OF INTENTIONAL SELF PLEASURE: Using your desire to guide us, we will get clear on what body/mind process is inhibiting you and create a custom self pleasure practice for you using holistic tools such as breath, sounding, and intention.

JOURNEY INTO THE SELF: We will find an empowering truth and go on a deep dive exploration of thought patterns, body movements, sensations or experiences that come up around this truth and work to integrate those. 

VIBRANT AND HEALTHY RELATIONSHIPS: Uncover unconscious networks to heal the story of a relationship to start building a healthy one! Embody your loved one to gain clarity, and even listen to your own impartial judge to create a more empowered dynamic. 

we throw a flipping PARTY to celebrate you showing up for three months of growth!!! YOU AMAZING CREATURE!!!! We dance. We cheer. We look back over your journey together, tap into your desire as we first encountered it, and give them a chance to feel celebrated as well!! 

**these sessions are a general map! We reserve the right to follow any necessary detours making sure we stay present with the current reality for you! While always holding your larger desire so we can trust that everything we experience together will be in service to your absolute best growth!

self LOVE
self WORTH

your self, CENTRED.

Trusting my body is a bliss I never knew I was missing.

And I can’t wait for you to be able to say the same. 

× Cara

wwwweeeee!!!!!! xx 

This package includes
  • 12 x weekly 60 min sessions with me via zoom
  • custom home practices crafted by me so you can integrate your work further.  Including meditations, breath work, or self pleasure practices. ~20 minutes 3 x each week
6 payments of $520 (monthly)
12 payments of $260 (every 2 weeks)
Client Feedback
“ Working with Cara in this intimate space felt safe and nourishing. I love how she drops both of us into a session and create a clear desire to work with. The last session I had some big breakthroughs which was magic and something I haven't been able to come to on my own. Having care as a coach/mentor helped me get clear and stop the self coaching going on in my head. I will definitely work with Cara again in the furture and recommend her 150%. ”
— N.R.
“ Cara was amazing with helping me explore my own shadows and judgements in a safe and compassionate container. She stayed very centered and present with me. At the end of our session I felt so much awareness of my own patterns and much more present and understanding in my relationship. Her followup e-mails were also very supportive and helped me ground into my intention for the week. ”
— Anon ❤️
“ This was one of the weirdest, most interesting and intense things I have done. And I am so grateful I did it. I have discovered so many things about myself and my beliefs that I did not realise were there! I like myself more, I love myself more and I understand myself more. If you want to know your inner self better but don't know how to do this or where to start, then I highly recommend working with Cara. ”
— Tahlia P.