Janine Adams
Level Up Package
It's easy to keep doing YNAB the way you've always done it, even when it isn't optimal. I can look at your budget with fresh, expert eyes and together we can modify it so that it better meets your needs. We'll also talk about great habits and best practices that will help build more ease into your YNAB world.

This package includes personalized feedback from me (including videos, if appropriate) about your budget, weekly client-only drop-in office hour and two free months added to your YNAB subscription.
This package includes
  • 2 x 90 min appointments
  • Weekly clients-only drop-in office hour
  • Check-ins from me about your budget
  • Two free months of YNAB
Client Feedback
“ Janine's support really helped bring things into focus in YNAB. I now know how to use YNAB to guide financial decision-making versus just recording history. This has allowed my husband and me to have productive and grounded conversations around our finances, which was something I had been avoiding before! ”
— Maria