Karen Kunkel Young
30 Minute Discovery Session
I have specialized in telling captivating stories for some of the largest global brands and inspiring creative teams to deliver their best work for over two decades. I am now using that experience to help creative professionals take charge of their careers so that they can confidently achieve the success they want.  

Fueled by the power of storytelling, I coach clients: 
  • wanting to advance their career
  • exploring career transition
  • striving to be more effective leaders
  • looking to level up their business
  • bringing creative goals to life
  • seeking greater purpose and fulfillment

In this Discovery Session, you will get a taste of what coaching is and hear about what it could do for you.  It is an opportunity to get to know each other, understand how my coaching program works, and see whether I am a good match to help you achieve the outcome you’re looking for.

About Karen Kunkel Young
For over two decades, I have led creative content teams as an unscripted showrunner, a media strategist for businesses seeking growth, and a senior creative executive for one of the largest production companies in the world. I have worked with thousands of creatives to inspire them to deliver their best work and mentor them to achieve exciting new roles. I see people’s potential, help them attract viable opportunities, and then partner with them to create an action plan to make their dreams a reality. I am a Certified Professional Coach and ELI Master Practitioner through iPEC, an ICF Accredited Program. I am also a member of the International Coaching Federation. 
This package includes
  • 1 x 30 min session over Zoom
Client Feedback
“ With Karen, there is no fear of pressure to deliver. This is not a grade, or a class. Her encouragement to look closer at yourself, and her ability to sift through someone’s stream of consciousness to pick out what is most meaningful to you, is priceless. She has also helped me identify why it’s so hard for me to write this book I’ve had on my mind for decades. The trail leads back to my need for everything to sparkle, to be “done” – a checkmark on the to-do list. Writing is not a straightforward activity for me, and I can accept this now. Writing, to me, is very personal, very raw, and very telling. I don’t know if I ever would have come to the conclusions that I reached without her help. So, it is with one step in front of the other that I am slowly writing the novel that is so important to me Perhaps my favorite thing about working with her is her lack of judgment. It’s so tempting to self-edit when we speak, but with Karen, I wanted her to know the real deal, the real emotions. I wanted her to know it all so she could help guide me out of my chaotic fishbowl, which she did. I feel more creative. Lighter. More accepting of failure because I know none of it matters unless I give it power. It’s been all about a lifestyle change for me, this shift, and it’s only happening because Karen showed me that I am more than I think myself to be. ”
— Adria Marschall | Producer & Writer
“ Karen brought a warmth, enthusiasm, and professionalism that immediately made me feel at ease doing deep self-exploration (both personally and professionally). Working with her helped me deepen my perspectives, transform my mindset, and develop actions that I have been able to sustain. I'd highly recommend her to anyone looking to "take charge" of their lives with intention and in alignment with their values. ”
— Kevin Delos Reyes | Sr Manager, Diversity, Equity & Inclusion at PwC
“ As someone who was made to believe since a young age my voice didn’t matter, I never felt comfortable opening up to others in the way I was so effortlessly able to do with Karen from our very first session. Karen and I began our coaching journey together at a pivotal time in my life, when I didn’t know just how much I needed her guidance to work through the things that were limiting me. As a creative person, there’s always a lot of fear brewing at the surface level and, more than almost anything, she helped me work through that and remember just how strong my inner knowing is. Every time I felt doubt or fear trying to stop me from keep moving forward, she was able to ask the hard questions that helped me work through my own ego - knowing I was always self aware and I just needed to figure out how to tune out the noise. We started our journey at a milestone moment with my first book being edited and finished this part of our journey as my book got published - and I can honestly say, I would not have had the courage to see this through without Karen’s beautiful spirit as my guiding light. I’m evolving into the next best version of myself because of Karen and her coaching! Anyone who gets to work with Karen will instantly be awakened to who they can become… it’s just realizing you have to do the work to get there. ”
— Nicole Danielle | Author & TV Producer
“ Working with Karen is a truly unique experience and helps you maintain focus on taking action. She has a knack for driving accountability. With Karen it's not just about setting goals, she ensures you're on track, making progress, and always looking further to make sure every base is covered. Her approach is both supportive and challenging, pushing you beyond your comfort zone while ensuring you never feel overwhelmed. ”
— Joan G. | Marketing Executive
“ I hired Karen to help me become a more effective showrunner and manager of documentary production. She worked with me in the thick of one of the most difficult series I’ve ever taken on, providing me tactile and hands-on support that I was able to execute in real-time. Through her coaching methods, she helped me to find and develop my innate ability to lead. In this process, I was able to let go of my deep-seated urge to “fix the problem” myself, and instead direct my teams to find suitable solutions to the problems at hand. This prevented my having to take on unnecessary work, giving me a much better work-life balance as well as the clear-mindedness to make big picture calls. Her sessions also helped me to develop ways to define accountability within my teams, enabling a reciprocity of trust. In all, I have a newfound confidence in my managerial approach, editorial judgment, and overall direction. As a result of Karen’s coaching, the big shoes that an executive must fill now fit much more comfortably.  ”
— Kyle McCabe | Executive Producer & Show Runner
“ When Karen and I first started working together, I was struggling with insecurity and uncertainty about my new career. I had recently pivoted from 25 years of work in luxury fashion and launched my own business. The shift was destabilizing and exciting but I knew I needed help to strategize about overcoming doubt and managing the new challenges of life as my own boss. Karen helped me recognize the strength and power I already had within thanks to my extensive experience. She allowed me to focus on leveraging the skills that were already in my toolbox to solve the current complexities. By working with Karen, I unlocked insights that propelled me to action. I crafted my personal story with a deep understanding of my superpowers, of the audience I wanted to serve and how I could help them. This story was the missing puzzle piece I needed. ”
— Javier Gonzalez | Luxury Fashion Merchandising Executive Turned. Entrepreneur