APPLY for a FREE Strategy Session

Belle Wood

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Hi there and thank you for reaching out.
While it might all seem overwhelming and confusing right now, there really is an incredible new life around the corner. As a CDC Certified Divorce Coach® , my role is to help you uncover that quickly and effectively.

What most people don't realise is that divorce is not just a legal process.
While your lawyer often plays a crucial role,  they are only part of the equation. There is still so much more to divorce than legalities, and that's where I come in.

Partnering with a CDC Certified Divorce Coach®,  like me, will ensure that your time and money spent with your legal team is far more effective. Investing in coaching will actually save you money on legal fees and allows your legal team to focus on what they do best - fighting for you.
As a coach, I work with you to navigate and strategize ALL aspects of your divorce, and beyond. 
In fact many clients continue to work with me well after the fact, as they move into the next phase of their life & business.
So, are you ready to get started? 
The next step is to fill out the application form, and I'll personally review it before our Strategy Session. This helps me understand your situation and ensures I can guide you to the best possible outcome.

I've been where you are. Had I known about divorce coaching during my own journey, I’d have saved years of time and a fortune in fees.
No one should have to go through this the hard way, or alone.

I'm looking forward to our conversation and I can’t wait to help you move into the next chapter of your life.


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This package includes
  • Application & 30 minute phone call


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