Laura Fowler
Millionaire Mavens in the Making Academy (6 mo) Mastermind
Your wealthiest life awaits.

Imagine waking up feeling fully connected to the deepest desires of your heart.  Feeling the breeze on your skin, at home in your soul and so overjoyed for the phenomenal life you have created.  

Imagine feeling whole, connected and supported in every aspect of your life.  In touch with the deepest levels of self trust, aligned with your dreams, living out your wealth.  

A Maven is an expert and a connoisseur. 
She is never willing to brush her dreams under the rug. 
Starting today, she is you!
You are a Millionaire Maven.

Millionaire Mavens in the Making is a completely unique and expansive experience where we will tap into your soul's deepest desires to help you bring pieces of your dreamiest visions to life.  

This is intimacy, alignment and embodiment with wealth & at the core, a reclamation of your birth right: limitless abundance, expansive joy and FREEDOM.

This is the customized support and  accountability you have been dreaming of to build your business and income. 

My spaces are all trauma informed, inclusive and shame and judgement free.  So no matter where you are, I have got you.

I know deep down that you are craving more…

  • More wealth and financial stability.
  • More joy and time.
  • More money.
  • More ease in your life and your business.
  • Mindset and Strategy.
  • Deeper healing and wholeness
  • Aligned Actions  and Accountability &
  • More of the things you desire (like the dream vacations and those sexy heels you’ve saved in your cart for month but haven’t bought).
  • PLUS more money in the bank. 

I know that you are here to connect to your soul's purpose, to heal and to create exponential wealth and joy.

I know that you are ready to walk away with CEO confidence,  a six figure business plan and support that gets you to your next level.

You are ready for the pleasures of feeling wealth and joy in all areas of your life …
But right now, both feel just out of reach. 

It can be overwhelming not knowing where to start or where to go next and not feeling aligned with all the cookie-cutter advice out there telling you what you should and shouldn’t do. 

I know how all of this feels, because I was there too.

I started my wealth journey as a single mama, in debt and living in an abusive relationship.  I dreamt of something more but was not sure how it would ever be possible for me.

I spent years working hard to make money but never feeling wealthy. 
I fretted over every financial decision. 
I feared that money wouldn't stay because it wasn’t meant for me.
I was waiting for money to finally bring me joy.

Until I healed.
Until I created my million dollar blueprint.
Until I starting to look at my life through a new lens.

I built several six figure businesses, a seven figure net worth, raised a gorgeous daughter and attracted love in the most beautiful ways.  Today, I have safety, joy and freedom.  Today I live out the deepest desires of my heart with the people I love, every day. 

And during this program I am going to share the exact steps that I have taken to create my million-dollar life (without giving up your delicious lattes or any other things you love).

The Experience:

Join me so I can help you create the blueprint for your million dollar life, so you too can step into sustainable wealth, expansive joy, healing and financial freedom.  I want you to feel confident as the CEO of your life and business because that is who you were born to be.  

I built this space for heart led women who are ready to shatter the glass ceiling to live the life they dream of and set up their money to support it all.

This is the permission to breathe in your dreams. 
To step into financial independence. 
To declare your deepest desires.
To live a life of the deepest levels of joy.

No matter where you are starting and even if you path has not always been smooth.
This is a non judgmental and trauma informed space. 

During our time together you will learn:

  • Million Dollar Mindset
  • Creating your Million Dollar Blueprint
  • Making Your Money Work for you
  • Setting up your business with freedom in mind
  • Healing and Meditations
  • Radical Self Connection
  • Uncovering your unique wealth codes
  • Embodying your Millionaire Maven

 Plus for your business we will dive into: 
  • Creating & Pricing your Offer
  • Your Six Figure Year Planned
  • Marketing for Magnetism
  • Mindset for Marketing
  • Think Big, Goal Small
  • CEO Confidence
  • Getting your first (or next) paying client
  • Foundations of Wealth for Business Owners
  • Money Mindset Masterclass
  • Social Media for Success

This is for you if you are:

  • An ambitious woman who is tired of making money and still feeling broke. 
  • Overworked, under-joyed and ready for it all to feel easier.
  • Craving a wealth plan and support around making money moves
  • Ready for next level mindset to show up as the CEO of your life and business
  • Craving support around  aligned action steps and accountability, because it all looks easy, but consistency, visibility and commitment can trigger all of the things.
  • Desiring next-level coaching support from a wealth coach and business owner who has created her own wealth  and a successful business through the strategies she teaches 
  • Wanting to be surrounded by other badass women who will keep you motivated and reaching higher
  • Ready to be a millionaire maven…

Clients Say:

“Laura is magic.  Sometimes we don’t know that we need permission for something.  Invest in yourself. Let Laura in. Let her help you create your path of least resistance.  She’s more than amazing at what she does. She’s magic!”

"I have had more breakthroughs with Laura than with my own therapist.  There is trust here because I feel no judgement from you, which gives me the freedom to remove my own judgement about where I am, so I can turn things over and really look at them.  My life, business and wealth have grown and I know that coaching with you is a huge piece of that. "

Here’s more detail on what is inside:

  • Six months total.
  • Three weeks of the month we will have interactive calls where we will dive deep into wealth, business (income growth) and healing PLUS, you will have access to educational modules that math the weeks theme.
  • Each fourth week will be set aside for 1:1 coaching calls. 
  • On money topics include:
    • Millionaire Foundations (aka Wealth Building 101):  Get clear on your numbers, your desires and the vision of what you are building & any obstacles in your way.  
    • Millionaire Mindset:  A deeper dive into mindset work to awaken the wealthy women within you, tools to open your heart to abundance and next level possibilities.  Meditations and healing work.
    • Millionaire Behaviors: Create your wealth blueprint including aligning yourself with the energies of saving, spending and holding money,  how to think about investing, setting up your embodied wealth buckets so that you can feel free to spend abundantly on the things you love. 
    • Millionaire Growth: Learn more about growing wealth through business building and passive income and aligning need vs want so that you are creating your dreamiest future.
    • Millionaire Vision:  Looking ahead, leaning into what it feels like to be wealthy, stepping into feeling wealthy starting today.  
    • Millionaire Mission:  Learn how to make your money work for you
  • On business topics include: 
    • Your Six Figure Year Planned
    • Business Audit:  Lets create or review your offers and pricing
    • Visibility: Mindset and Strategy
    • Marketing for Magnetism
    • Think Big, Goal Small
    • Let's get CEO Confident
    •  Getting your first (or next) paying client
    • Foundations of Wealth for Business Owners

  • One 1:1 coaching call because sometimes healing around money is extra personal and business sticking points can be extra sticky
  • Access to discounted 1:1 add ons.
  • A group chat for all of the community love and sisterhood. 
  •  Tools for the deeper healing and visioning work that I do with my 1:1 clients that will help you release deeper blocks and old stories that are holding you back.
  • Time for Q&A, goal setting, accountability and direct access to me.
  • Celebration and challenges to reach new heights.
  • Space to celebrate with other ambitious women, to create community and build life long bonds.

And, two bonus topics:

  • Money within Relationships: Because harmony with money is KEY to you living your Wealthy Life.
  • Making Money like a Boss:  Building your business or career with WEALTH in mind.  I want you working for freedom, not a paycheck.
  •  And for my Bougie Biz Babes:  Social Media for Success, Bougie Branding, Million Dollar Messaging that Sells and Selling with Heart. 

Clients Say:
"Laura is a phenomenal coach.  My time with Laura was 10x more impactful than any other coach I have worked with.   I love how she is able to do the deep work and integrate all aspects of my life in our coaching sessions. It is never just business -- she is able to dig deeper with me and make true connections between all of the different parts of my life - because she understands that all of the pieces tie together.   Working with her has helped me cultivate the mindset that anything is possible, and that I am worthy of being wildly in love with my life."

I’ve been in a state of STUCK for the past six months.  I joined the Epic Mastermind with Laura to figure out what beliefs were holding me hostage in this place.  Laura holds the space so beautifully and provides feedback and questions that are truly what transformations are made of.  If you’ve tried everything to shift what you know you so desperately want to shift, but can’t seem to move the needle, get your fanny on the phone with Laura, it’s the thing you wish you would’ve done years ago."

"Laura helped me strategically plan out how to rework my finances and accelerate my consulting business so that I could move out of my 9-5.   I saw that what I once saw as a side gig, can actually support me and my family.  I am having fun in my work again and making money that I did not think was possible.  As a bonus, I am now debt free, saving thousands a month and have create such better unity with my partner around money."

Investment Details, Discounts + Bonuses: 

Take a breath because this is the MOST accessible Mastermind out there.

No where else will you have a Six Figure CEO and Seven Figure Wealth Coach in your life and your business holding  belief in you as you create YOUR dreams.

This is a $30,000+ Mastermind.  And  getting aligned with your money will save you hundreds of thousands of dollars over your lifetime (this is priceless). 

THAT SAID... I know for many of us, money is a factor (for now), so if this is you or 

   If you just want a discount, get in on the Early Bird Pricing because it is FIRE!!
- If you bank account is not yet making your HELL YES easy.
          - If you are a HELL YES and you just love a deal.
         - This is over $1000 off with payment plans starting at $249
ENDS 8/1/23

After that, your ticket to this phenomenal space will be a super juicy $3,333.
        - And if you dream of payment plans?  They are still available.

BONUS ONE:  For my mavens who love a pay in full.
         -With your $3,333  payment, you will get a
BONUS 60 minute 1:1 coaching call with me.

BONUS TWO:  You may need a minute to think, but you know you are coming.
         -For everyone who is in by 8/1/2023, you will be invited to a
BONUS Group Coaching call 
          -Mark your calendars for 8/15 2pm ET/11PT

*If you are ready, but this is still not accessible, reach out to me during the early bird and we discuss options for you.


It’s time to be a Millionaire Maven

I’m on a mission to bring wealth to women by helping women create soul level safety, financial freedom, and expansive joy.

You deserve to have a life you live and a business that lights you up.

You deserve to have it all, the worthiness, the wealth and the joy - and you can. 
The secret is joining me and getting started TODAY!

About Laura

Laura is the CEO of The Embodied Millionaire Wealth Coaching and Business Mentorship
A Certified and Trauma Informed Life Coach with a Masters degree in Social Work
A six figure business owner
A self made multi Millionaire and seven figure wealth creator
Host of The Mess and the Magic Podcast
A five star Realtor, real estate mentor and investor
A volunteer women's self defense instructor with organizations that work towards women's empowerment and domestic violence prevention
And most importantly, a proud mama and loving wife 

My (mini) story

I grew up in dysfunction.  I had my daughter one month after my 22nd birthday and decided she would be raised in a different world that I was. 

I was alone and in debt.

I created six figure businesses, seven figure wealth and the amazing life that I live today.

I am called to this work because I have been there and I believe that we all deserve to live our WEALTHIEST & most PLEASURABLE lives - no matter where we are today. 

Come join me and let's get you feeling wealthy in all of the ways!


When are the calls?
For those of yo who sneak in early, your bonus call will be on 8/15 11PT/2ET.
The first official MM call will be on Thursday 8/31 at  11PT/2ET.   PLEASE NOTE: There will be some movement of calls during holiday weeks and when on occasion that I am traveling, however you will be given notice for all changes and I always do my best to accommodate the group with either an alternate call time or a juicy guest teacher.   A schedule will be sent out in August for the remainder of 2023 and a second schedule will be added as we near the end of the year.

What if I miss a call?   All calls will be recorded so that there is no pressure.  You can complete the work on your own time and re-watch any lesson you desire.  I want you to trust that you will absorb everything that you need in the timeline that feels best for you.

Who is this for/ is this just for coaches or entrepreneurs?
This is for any women who is ready to have a better relationship with herself, her vision, her wealth and her joy.   We will talk about business for those of you in biz, but you do not need to be a coach nor an entrepreneur.  We will also talk about asking 
No problem.  You can come live or watch on your ownfor that raise and the impact of  passive income. 

Do you offer payment plans?
Yes, so many!  And if none work for you shoot me a message.  This program is created to be accessible to you.

I’m nervous to invest in myself?
Oh love, I hear you and I have been there.  I am so excited that you are here even considering investing in yourself and your wealthiest life.  I know that we are all in different places with our time, energy and money, so I encourage you to close your eyes and settle into your body.  Take some deep breaths and center in on your souls desires.  You are here looking at this page for a reason.  Only you know what is right for you at this moment, but I can promise you if you show up at 100%, so will I.  I am so excited for this program and for the possibilities that it will bring you.

 XO - 

This package includes
Six Months of a phenomenal Mastermind Experience.

Over 30 Trainings that will be uploaded into your Member Vault account for you to watch and re-watch at your own pace
Weekly Interactive Calls.  Hot Seat Coaching at least once per month.   Integration on any fifth week.  Plus, at least TWO 1:1 coaching calls each to set your unique individual business and money goals.
You will also receive bonus trainings & maybe some additional fun - I often like to sneak in some guest speaker for you too!

You will learn how to release old stories around worth, wealth, safety and joy so that you can step into the million dollar version of you. 

We will dive into how you can align with your priorities and explore your vision for your abundant and wealthy life. The woman who knows her soul is confident, attached to her purpose and in love with her life. 

We will create a clear vision and action plan for your dreamiest and most money making business - because we both know you are magic at what you do and that magic needs to be out in the world. 

Open to higher levels of possibility and pleasure around wealth and business, by learning how Millionaires think about money and business, what they do differently and how you can fall in love with your money and your work, and set both up in ways that support you and your dreams. 

Meditations, healings and energy work so that you know how to let go of fear and overwhelm and

Money and healing are deep and intimate experiences so all of my spaces are non-judgmental and trauma informed. 

Your business is an extension of you and is so personal.

I believe in you 100% and in this space I will hold that belief for you and your vision until you are full able to hold it for yourself. 

I am so excited to see you in the Academy!  
