Point Break Coaching and Hypnosis
"Protect Your Sexual Sovereignty" Program
Like any power tool, porn (and your libido on porn) can both create and destroy. While erotica serves many valuable purposes--among the simplest, a respite from life's pressures or a temporary fix for boredom--the growing concern over the negative effects of streaming video porn can't be ignored. Among the most commonly expressed concerns are:

  • Loss of imaginative capacity
  • Changes in neural pathways, brain reward circuits, dopamine levels, etc.
  • Dependence on porn for arousal and orgasm
  • Seeking out increasingly extreme content
  • Relationship issues, conflict, guilt
  • Changes in sexual interests or response, such as porn-induced erectile dysfunction
  • Sacrificing more time, money, or privacy than intended

These are such common issues that I've developed a coaching program to give you tools for enjoying a fulfilling private erotic life and maintaining whatever balance is right for you.  Work with me by Zoom or phone for eight focused weeks and I'll help you:

  • Learn new ways to guide yourself into physical pleasure 
  • Learn to transmute and channel your sexual energy into other pursuits
  • Reframe your relationship to porn, adult industry workers, or chatbots
  • Create your own sensual theater of the mind with erotic self-hypnosis
  • Amplify your physical pleasure and response--alone or with a partner
  • Strengthen your sexual and sensual imagination 
  • Resolve sexual and/or relationship concerns
  • Better compartmentalize sexual fantasy and reality
  • Attain mastery over your porn habits 
This package includes
  • Customized eight-week coaching program
  • One 90+ minute appointment (Zoom, Skype, or phone)
  • Five 60-minute appointments
  • Home practice and assignments
  • E-mail and text access between appointments with 24-hour response time
  • Same-day appointments and cancellations accepted 
  • Extended appointment hours
  • Self-hypnosis training included
  • $50 savings if paid in advance

If you don't see a convenient time and date for our first appointment, choose any date to complete your registration, then contact me to reschedule. 
$750 + 1 payment of $500 (monthly)