Kris Kendall Coaching
Surrendered Press 5 Hours
During each session, we'll pick up wherever you've left off on your book and work together to get it completed, edited, and published. 

This package includes
5 x 60 min working session via Zoom to work on your book. Most people require 3-5 sessions to complete a book that is written off-line, but we can add hours as needed, based on your timeline.
Client Feedback
“ Author of Investigations After Dark, Mafia Doublecross, Rogue P.I., From The Detective's Kitchen, and How to Catch Him With His Pants Down... And Kick Him in the Assets

We provided cover design, formatting and DFY uploading of his most recent four novels into his Amazon account. ”
— Vinny Parco
“ We helped Pam publish a workbook of her NLP exercises, allowing her students to practice the techniques at their leisure. She selected the Done For You package and allowed us to format her worksheets, create her cover and publish to the retailers of her choice. ”
— Pam Castillo