📚Bookend Your Week With Terra Club📚

Click here to watch video➡️ https://vid.us/dm9apw 

📚The Bookend Your Week with Terra Club📚 is designed to be a super convenient & affordable way to start and finish your week strong with Terra's coaching delivered in an exclusive video to your email inbox every Monday and Friday at the crack of dawn!!!   You don't have to set out each week alone!  Won't it be so much more fun to do it together??   

Whatever goals you are working towards, every Monday I'll send you a video walking you through questions to help you plan to set yourself up for success that week.   On Fridays, the video you'll receive will walk you through "rewinding the tape" through reflection questions to help clarify and understand what's working for you, what is getting in the way and how to pivot and/or protect your success heading into the weekend!

I'll cover topics like emotional eating, creating effective habits and systems, how to stay inspired,  effective goal setting based on strengths you already have and find the food combinations that work best for you.   I'll also talk about how to deal with negative self talk, how to build self-confidence and I'll share personal examples of what has helped me on my own wellness journey.

Creating change in your life can be challenging. There are so many things to think about, and it can be easy to get overwhelmed even when we know the end result will be worth it.   That's why doing it together is SO helpful!  I'm here to help you every step of the way!  I'll be cheering you on in my videos while giving you the tools, guidance and support to help you succeed each week!!

So what are you waiting for? Let's get started!
This package includes


Designed To Set You Up For Success!!!

🌺 Monday morning set-yourself-up-for success videos.  Every Monday morning, delivered directly to your email inbox, you'll receive a video exploring a different strategy, tool or tip to help you shift your mindset to one that will most serve you in achieving what you really want in your life and help you to find more joy in your life today while in the process!  Each video is approximately 30 minutes in length and ends with walking through the steps of setting up your week for success.

🌺Friday follow up videos.  A second video delivered directly to your email inbox every Friday morning, centered around revisiting the weekly strategy, tool or tip followed by debriefing from your week and setting you up for a successful weekend.  Each Friday video is approximately 20 minutes in length.

🌺 Digital access to a printable weekly goal setting journal designed to use with the video content.

🌺 As a subscriber, you'll have access the entire library of episodes of 📚BYWWT📚 organized by date, episode and topic by simply logging into your account at www.terraayres.com at anytime. 
Pro tip:  Many subscribers like to listen to go back and listen to the videos like you would a podcast, while walking, driving or doing other activities.

🌺A one hour, monthly group coaching session facilitated live by Terra via Zoom.  All 📚Bookend Your Week With Terra Club📚to subscribers are invited!  It's a chance to ask questions, share your challenges and successes with Terra and others from the club!*

🌺Access to the Joy In The Journey with Terra  private Facebook group to connect with others in a safe, vibrant space revolving around living your best life!
*Date & time of the monthly live coaching calls will be announced at the beginning of each month.

$27 / month
Client Feedback
“ Terra......"bookending" my week with you is exactly what I have been missing on my weight loss journey! Thank you for the opportunity to preview and give feedback on your new weekly coaching video subscription! Being able to sit down for 30 minutes at the start and end of each week with a your video makes a big difference in my commitment to my goals. Without having you to walk me through it, I was not doing it at all even though I knew it was helpful to me on my journey before. I think you are spot on with the information and motivation you share and the questions you ask really do make me slow down and think. I already feel re-energized so hurry up and launch it so I can keep going:) ”
— Janet B.