FREE 30-Minute Online Initial Baptism Meeting
Dear Faithful Parents,

Each birth is a miracle, a testament to the wonder and intricacy of God's divine plan. As your Catholic Chaplain, it's both my privilege and joy to be by your side as you take the first steps in introducing your baby to our time-honored faith through the sacrament of baptism.

The Depth of Infant Baptism in Catholicism:

In the heart of our Catholic tradition, baptism stands as the doorway to life and the kingdom of God. Through this sacred rite, your child receives the grace of the Holy Spirit, becoming a cherished member of the Catholic community and beginning their lifelong journey with Christ.

Support Offered by the Chaplaincy:

  1. Sacramental Understanding: Together, we'll delve into the theology and profound significance of baptism. This preparation ensures that you're spiritually and emotionally connected to this transformative moment in your child’s life.
  2. Building Community: The sacrament of baptism is a communal event, bringing together the Church body in celebration. We’ll help cultivate connections within the Church community, ensuring your family is warmly embraced and supported.
  3. Guidance Beyond the Font: Baptism is but the first step. Rely on the Chaplaincy for continued spiritual counsel and support as your child grows in faith, benefiting from the rich tapestry of Catholic traditions.

A Sacred Call to Beginnings

Electing to baptize your child signifies your dedication to nurturing their soul in the light of Christ, entrusting them to God's infinite mercy and love.

Are you ready to initiate your child into our sacred Catholic community?

Walk with us in faith.
Connect with me, your Catholic Chaplain, and let's together celebrate this holy sacrament, setting your child on a path illuminated by Christ's teachings and boundless love.
This package includes
  • FREE 1 x 30 min initial Baby Catholic Baptism appointment