Bijal Shah
1:1 Human Design Reading
"The privilege of a lifetime is to become who you truly are"
- Carl Jung -

Human Design is a scientific spiritual system that combines astrology, the I Ching, the Kabbalah, the chakra system and quantum physics.

You were born on this planet, at this time, in this lifetime for a reason. Each and every one of us has a purpose to fulfil on earth through our innate gifts. You can discover this information in your Human Design reading. You were born perfect and possess the exact inner blueprint to carry out your role and purpose. 

During your regular Human Design reading, I will analyse your chart also called a bodygraph, which is based on your birth date, time, and location. When you embark on a Human Design reading, you will gain a deep understanding of who you are, how you are innately wired, your purpose and your highest and lowest potentials.

Your Human Design reading includes insight into your:  
 Type – your role
 Strategy – your operating system
 Authority – your decision-making tool
 Centres – your potential strengths, challenges and learnings
 Gates – Your natural way of being
 Channels – Your gifts
 Definition – Your connection to others
 Circuitry – Your energy flow
 Profile – your inner duality
 Incarnation Cross – your general purpose

You will also gain deep insight into the more advanced elements of your inner blueprint. You will begin to understand your innate preference for digestion and taking in life. You will come to understand the best environment for you, to help you live with less resistance and more ease and flow. You will begin to appreciate your view of life and explore how your unique perspective serves the collective. Finally, you will tap into your inner driving forces and connect with why you are compelled to take actions towards your chosen goals.

When you correctly follow your Human Design, especially the core elements of it, you can begin to connect with your inner world in order to elevate your outer world.  

During your Human Design reading, I will guide you through a process of self-discovery, and you will begin to understand how external conditioning may impact your internal being and prevent you from living as your authentic self. Even if you think you are living as your authentic self, you will have the opportunity to review your inner world and assess if you are living in alignment with who you really are. 

By understanding your unique Human Design, you can learn to make better decisions, communicate more effectively, and live a more authentic life. Ultimately, your Human Design reading will serve as an important tool and guide to help you navigate through life with ease, flow and confidence. 

You will appreciate who you are and understand that you are the epitome of perfection and created as a perfect being to carry out your specific purpose in this lifetime.  
Please note that a precise Human Design reading can only be conducted for individuals who provide their precise birth information. For those who are unaware of their precise birth information, certain aspects of a Human Design reading may not be available.
This package includes
  • X1 Human Design reading session
  • X1 online Zoom session lasting up to 90 minutes
  • Aftercare e-mail support
  • Aftercare WhatsApp support
  • Aftercare phone support 
  • Free access link to the recording of your Human Design reading session
  • Free Wellbeing Workbook titled, “The Power of One”
  • 10% discount code to use towards any Think Link Lead service