Michelle McCann
Individual Session
It is important for me to make a few things clear:
  • I work for “spirit” and will bring through the messages that “they” indicate you most need to hear right now. That could include messages from departed loved ones, angels, or other beings in spirit. These messages come through to me in different ways. Sometimes I “feel” things, known as clairsentience, and sometimes I just know things, called claircognizance. I don’t always get things exactly right, and YOUR feedback and input about what resonates with you is REALLY important. Ultimately, YOUR SOUL or higher self knows what is best for you, and my role is to help you connect with YOUR WISDOM and INNER GUIDANCE.
  • Know that talking about your feelings carries risks and benefits. You may feel some discomfort opening up about topics that are painful or shameful. I make my best effort to be kind, compassionate and non-judgmental to make this easier. People sometimes feel vulnerable sharing their innermost thoughts and feelings and histories, but know I maintain strict confidentiality, only sharing your story for the purposes of consultation to improve my skills and the outcomes for my clients. I will ask your permission prior to any consultation. The only exception to our confidentiality is if you indicate your intent to harm yourself or someone else. I am a mandated reporter, and if you reveal thoughts or feelings related to self-harm, child abuse, or other violence towards others, I retain the right to disclose this information.
  • This session is not a substitute for long-term therapy. As a clinical social worker, I may employ therapeutic techniques to help you get the most benefit out of the session(s), but some follow up work in therapy may be warranted/helpful, and I will recommend this if I deem necessary.

This package includes
  • 1 x 50 min appointment
Client Feedback
“ "I have had such amazing experiences talking with Michelle, and my loved one on the other side. She is the real deal, no doubt! Michelle is genuine and real when she is speaking with you. Not only have I communicated with a loved one through her, but they both have been helping me through some rough patches with other family members. It's been one of the most meaningful and amazing experiences in my life. I can't thank her enough for her time and for connecting me with someone who I miss every single day. I have told her that these experiences have been like therapy along with communication with loved ones. It's unlike anything I've ever done! Thank you Michelle!!" ”
— Anonymous, DE, USA