Nicole Anderson
Resume Refresh

I'm so excited to work together! 🎉

Click the "Book Now" button to complete your purchase with the service agreement and payment. Once your purchase is completed, in your email inbox, you'll receive clear instructions on submitting your resume to kickstart the Resume Refresh process. Plus, your bonus offers will be available immediately!

Ready to take the next step? Let's go! 🚀

Career Coach Nicole LLC

The Resume Refresh Is for You If…
✅ You're frustrated applying for jobs, and you want to make sure your resume is standing out to recruiters.
✅ It's been a minute since you've updated your resume, and you need a second set of eyes.
✅ You want your resume to look contemporary (but not too cheesy).
✅ You've accomplished so many number-based things, but you're overwhelmed thinking about translating those numbers to a resume.
✅ You go above and beyond at work, but you don't know how to say that in a resume.
✅ You're so ready to change job industries or titles, but you don't know how to speak to your transferable skills.
✅ As a woman, you know you’re worthy of equal opportunity to work, and you want to make sure you have every opportunity afforded to you.
✅ The idea of spending one week longer than necessary in your current job makes you sick, and you need immediate help.

Is this hitting too close to home? Ready to make a career shift as quickly as possible? Then let’s get started on your Resume Refresh - 👏 a well-tailored, crisp resume is the single best tool that you could have in your job-seeking toolkit. 👏

Ready to make a bold career move? With this service, I'll dive deep into your resume, consider your career goals (you'll have the chance to tell me what those are!), and provide you with powerful actionable feedback to help you make those moves. 

As a recruiting professional and career coach with over a decade of experience, I've seen it all – from reviewing thousands of resumes to collaborating with hundreds of hiring managers on hiring for their team. With my industry knowledge, I will provide actionable feedback on your resume to help you stand out in the job market. As a woman, I know what invisible roadblocks you might be encountering in your job search. 

You deserve equitable opportunity, and I want to help you achieve that. Let's work together to achieve your career goals! 👏👏

The Resume Refresh is a process where I will review your resume on two separate occasions. In this review, I will offer detailed, thoughtful feedback about how you can take your resume to the next level. To inform and customize the feedback that I offer you in the Resume Refresh, in an initial intake form, I will learn about your career history, where you’re looking to go next in your career, and any roadblocks that you’ve been hitting. 

The recommendations offered during the Resume Refresh will focus on:
  • Grammar, punctuation, and language.
  • Expanding upon your work experience.
  • Conciseness.
  • Visual design.
  • Connecting your transferable skills to your next step.

Each Resume Refresh service is highly tailored to you as an individual, your work experience, your career goals, and what would make sense for your specific document, so that you can hit the job market putting your best foot forward.

You will receive two files with each of your two Resume Refreshes: 

  1. You will receive a PDF that will offer highly specific, notated resume feedback, referencing your resume directly.
  2. You will receive a video file where I explain my feedback in more detail in a filmed format. 

I know that it can be helpful to be able to "talk through" your resume feedback, so the PDF coupled with a video will give you balanced ways to take in all of your feedback and next steps. In my experience, clients are totally optimized and ready to recharge their job search in just two Resume Refreshes, which is exactly how many you'll receive! 🔥🔥
This package includes
Your Resume Refresh (a PDF and video combo with recommendations on how to take your resume to the next level!)
Your Resume Refreshed AGAIN! (a second review of your resume, PDF and video combo again, after you implement changes based on my suggestions)
BONUS: List of 150+ action verbs for use on your resume
BONUS: Nicole’s top 10 job search tips
BONUS: Discount code on an Ask a Career Coach Call  (a 10% discount!)
Client Feedback
“ Working with Nicole helped me find confidence in pursuing my real career desires, instead of sticking with what was practical or convenient. She helped me navigate the grad school process and provided excellent feedback on my resume! Nicole is a FABULOUS proponent of knowing your worth (especially for women). ”
— Caroline, Public Health Professional
“ Nicole gave me the confidence and tools I needed to get my dream job. I always thought I was pretty good at cover letter writing and formatting my resume, but she recommended things I'd never even thought of! ”
— Skyla, Music Professional
“ Whenever seeking out new career pathways, I always reach out to Nicole. I continue to reference her resume writing tips when reviewing my resume and find it extremely helpful. She gives me the confidence that I need in order to get what I want out of my career and is fully invested in making sure that you succeed. ”
— Karissa, Insurance Professional