Tara L Paige
Chic Sponsorship - 1 Page Ad

Empower your Voice with TPCCON 2023!

Maximize your brand exposure with a full-page promotional ad that commands attention. 

Your advertisement will be prominently featured not only in our comprehensive e-guide but also on the official TPCCON website, ensuring that your message resonates with our diverse and engaged audience. 

This extensive reach allows you to effectively convey your message, showcase your brand, and make a lasting impact at TPCCON 2023.
This package includes
  • Full-Page Promotional Ad in the TPCCON 2023 E-Guide: Your full-page ad will occupy a prime spot in our e-guide, ensuring it's seen by all attendees. This visually striking space allows you to creatively convey your brand's identity, message, or offerings to our diverse and engaged audience.
  • Prominent Placement on the TPCCON 2023 Official Website: In addition to the e-guide placement, your advertisement will also receive a prominent position on the TPCCON 2023 official website. This online presence ensures that your message reaches our digital audience, extending the exposure of your brand or message beyond the event itself.
  • Exposure to Our Dynamic and Diverse Audience: Your ad will be viewed by our dynamic and diverse audience, enhancing your visibility and engagement. Attendees and online visitors will have the opportunity to connect with your brand, explore your offerings, and learn more about your message.
  • Effective Communication: This sponsorship tier provides you with the opportunity to effectively communicate your message, showcase your brand, or highlight your services. Whether you're promoting products, services, or a special message, the full-page ad offers ample space for impactful communication.
  • Connect with Attendees and Online Visitors: Your presence at TPCCON 2023 through this full-page promotional ad allows you to connect with attendees during the event and engage with online visitors on our website. This engagement helps shape a memorable TPCCON experience for all.

Choose the 1 Page Ad sponsorship to effectively showcase your brand or message to a captive and diverse audience both in print and online. Your presence will help shape the success of TPCCON 2023 while leaving a lasting impression on all who participate.

*Please note that there's a 3% service charge