Charlene Lam
Unpacking Grief, Coaching Package: Six Sessions

Let’s work together to make space for your grief.

Have you ever unpacked the grief and losses you’ve been carrying?

Whether your significant loss(es) are months, years or decades ago, you might have unacknowledged or unprocessed grief that’s weighing you down.

Let’s unpack, so you can:

  • Have dedicated time to your grief.
  • See clearly what you’ve been carrying.
  • Prepare yourself to curate (aka choose with intention) what you bring forward with you.
  • Make space for what really matters to you.
  • Feel lighter as you move forward with your own fullest life!

Here are examples of what we can work on:

  • UNPACKING GRIEF: Look at what hurts and what feels heavy in a supportive space.

  • UNTANGLING RELATIONSHIPS: Navigate conflicts with family members, friends and other relationships after a significant loss

  • MAKING  SPACE FOR WHAT’S IMPORTANT: Make choices about what you keep and what you discard of the physical stuff

  • CONTINUING BONDS: Explore and create ways to honor the memory of and stay connected to your loved one

  • LOOKING AHEAD: Have a plan and take action toward the life you want to live

Frequently asked questions:

How does this checkout page work?
Once you click Book Now and then Select on the package, and enter your email on Paperbell, there will be a coaching agreement and an onboarding survey.

Don't worry if it asks you to schedule an appointment -- I'll take care of that manually, as I reserve unlisted times for clients.

How often will we meet?
Some clients prefer to meet every week, others every other week. It's up to you!
You also have the option of in-between support via email or Voxer (text/voice messages).

What days and times will we meet?
If we haven't chosen the date and time for your first call yet, you'll be prompted to suggest some ideal times for you in the onboarding survey. Some clients prefer to meet at a recurring time every week or every other week. Other clients prefer to find a mutually available time week by week, usually because they have variable schedules.

Can I pay in more than 3 installments?
Yes, just send me a note, and I can set that up for you.

Additional questions?
Email me at [email protected]

Note: Coaching and coaching consultations are not a substitute for counseling, psychotherapy, psychoanalysis, mental health care, substance abuse treatment, or other professional advice by legal, medical or other qualified professionals. If you are experiencing a mental health emergency, contact 911 or your local emergency services.
This package includes
  • 6 x 60 min appointments
    • Calls can be weekly or biweekly over a 3mo period
  • Recordings optional, at request of client
  • In-between support via Voxer or email
  • Access to my Curating Grief framework and library of grief resources
  • Complimentary in-person 30-min session if you come to Lisbon
3 payments of $500 (monthly)
2 payments of $750 (monthly)