Xenophobe Fedison
I Am In Jesus 5-Day Devotional Course
We as Christian in the faith as sons and daughters struggle with knowing our identity in Christ which results in having an identity crisis. 

We believe in God as a Savior but fail to believe we have received the spirit of adoption as Abba Father's children through his son Jesus. 

A 5-day devotional to shift you from identity crisis to walking in your identity in Jesus Christ. It is time to declare and decree what Jesus and The Father say you are to him and on the earth. 

You are sons and daughters of God the Father through the Son Jesus. Take the journey to discover your purpose and be affirmed in your identity as sons and daughters.
This package includes
  • 5- Day Devotional 
  • Over 10 hours of of intensive teaching, prophetic prayers, prophetic ministering, healing, deliverance, breakthrough, and an in-depth discussion as a companion along with the devotional. 
  • This teaching allows individuals to identify areas where they are not operating in Jesus.
Client Feedback
“ "Honestly, the teaching blessed and still blesses me. Thank you so much for obeying God and recording so I could go back and watch!!! It was SO needed!!!!" ”
— Rachel
“ ” I enjoyed all days of the teaching. It was filled with a wealth of knowledge for the church. I felt as I was listening to when Apostle Paul was teaching for hours the man fell broke his neck was healed then listened again. The teaching was so good!”- ”
— Lashawnda
“ "I would like to thank you, for the excellent teaching through your precious OBEDIENCE. My life has been TRANSFORMED. I know who I am, and whose I am. I'm so thankful. GLORY BE TO GOD. Please keep me informed of any future events. I will be there with a crowd. Praise The lord.." ”
— Vonda
“ "I loved Day 3. There was a lot of great information and questions I had to ask myself about the effects of my absent father and the ways I view God! Also this devotional is fiya Xen. I may use it as a tool in my coaching!"- ”
— Kishea
“ "Thank you for planting the seed and allowing the Holy Spirit to water because once we finish the devotional Holy Spirit prompted me to read Ephesians and I understand it I am in Jesus my identity is not my circumstances, career , or anything that is only temporary only in Jesus and i am a daughter of God so thanks to your obedience ❤ " ”
— R.B.
“ "Oh my lord, there are no words. I was taken aback and floored!! I thank you so much for your obedience and prophetic declarations over my life! Everything you said was completely accurate. Like everything that's been on my heart you prayed for so I'm so thankful because you have no idea how the devotional has blessed me! Words don't do it Justice at all!." ”
— Sandy
“ "These four days have been enlightening, provoking, and I've been tremendously blessed. I'm looking for the more that's to come." ”
— Krystal