William Siff
Personal Protocol Package
Your Personalized Protocol will include - 

  • A detailed recap of the intake findings - including individual constitution and diagnosis.
  • A medicinal plant regimen with detailed instructions on which plants to use and the forms, frequencies, and dosages.
  • A comprehensive nutrition plan to correct any constitutional imbalances, address root causes and maximize results.
  • Recommended complementary  therapeutics and treatments including guidance and support finding the best practitioners and facilities in your area.
  • Recommended wellness practices addressing exercise, recovery, mindfulness and sleep.
  • Resources, and recommendations for quality sources of medicinal plants, preparations and supplements.
  • A daily routine tailored to your specific circumstances, preferences and goals.

The focus is always on nourishing, strengthening, and vitalizing the body to reinforce the roots of wellness. The most direct way to accomplish this is through supporting the major physiological mechanisms that govern digestion, detoxification, hydration, and the nervous, endocrine, and immune systems. These systems are the foundation upon which health is created and sustained. Optimal health inevitably results when our essential body systems are functioning at their best. 

You'll learn to harness the power of medicinal plants to improve your sleep, energy, digestion/metabolism, immunity, focus and more. The protocol will include plants that are readily available, safe and non toxic, easy to incorporate into your routines, highly beneficial in their actions, and in most cases also highly enjoyable.

Medicinal plants such as herbs, roots, spices, and mushrooms provide the highest levels of antioxidants, trace elements, and essential phytonutrients in the plant world. They are uniquely capable of fine-tuning your physiology. Like training your muscles with exercise, medicinal plants build the capacity of every one of your vital systems. 

This package includes
  • A  90 min initial intake appointment which covers - 
    • A thorough health history assessment
    • Evaluation of current conditions, concerns, and health goals
    • Discussion of dietary habits and lifestyle factors
    • Review of relevant blood work and diagnostics
    • Personal Constitutional assessment using Ayurvedic and Traditional Chinese Medicine along with western physiology.

  • Personal protocol with detailed instructions (see above)

  • A 50 min follow up call 
    • Addressing questions, troubleshooting challenges, and providing updates to the protocol.
    • Continued refinement of plants, preparations, dietary adjustments and lifestyle recommendations to enhance results.
    • Guidance to increase your understanding and confidence using a variety of natural and functional medicine modalities, with an emphasis on medicinal plants.

  • To begin the program you'll complete an intake form and schedule your initial consultation. Your intake evaluation will be approximately 90 minutes on a zoom call with William. Based on this discussion, he will curate a protocol tailored to your individual needs and goals.  Your protocol includes a 50 minute follow up call within the first month.  William is available through email to answer any questions or provide additional support as needed.