Michael Peterson
Embodied Integration
Monthly on the First Sunday
12pm to 1pm EST

Integration is the process of returning to wholeness. Whether you've gone on a plant medicine journey or something else is going on in your life, embodying the lessons life gives us takes time and practice. Embodied Integration is a monthly gathering for anyone who is looking to continue the practice of becoming whole. The intention behind Embodied Integration is twofold:

  1. To provide a supportive container for you to pause, reflect, and gain deeper clarity on your personal journey of healing and transformation.
  2. To create an opportunity to move beyond a mental understanding of those lessons and into a state of embodied wisdom.

What to Expect:

Embodied Integration is a ceremonial approach to integration. Together we will:

  • Share Wisdom: Engage in enlightening discussions and share your plant medicine or life experiences with a community of like-minded individuals.

  • Practice Integration Exercises: Learn practical integration techniques to help you embody the lessons life is offering you into your daily life.

  • Cultivate Connection: Cultivate connections with fellow travelers on the plant medicine path. Our community is a wellspring of support and inspiration for your healing journey.

Who Can Join:
While primarily geared towards the integration of plant medicine experiences, we're all working on coming into greater wholeness and harmony. Embodied Integration is open to everyone who is seeking a non-judgmental space to deepen their relationship with themselves and others.

This package includes
Next Meetings:
3/3/24 @ 12pm EST
4/7/24 @ 12pm EST
5/5/24 @ 12pm EST