Private Coaching

Uplifting guidance to manage stress while enlivening your passions, projects and relationships.

Personal growth while aligning with a life vision and daily habits that feel good.

I’ll provide respectful coaching and strategies that uplift, and manage stress for optimal growth, wellness and healing.
Let’s develop sustainable well-being through the shifts, cycles and seasons.  
Cancel anytime.

Together we can:

  • Convert outworn transgenerational (familial, cultural etc.) thought to an authentic personal growth perspective 
  • Prioritize love, creativity/work and/or health
  • Increase positivity and opportunity

Create habit strategies that will:

  • Lesson stress and reactiveness
  • Help you meet or exceed your preset goals
  • Increase self-knowledge for more aligned action
  • Increase happiness + wellbeing

*Services  may include consulting, strategy, trainings, teachings, energy healings, help with daily ritual/habit design, & uplifting encouragement. Client is responsible for realworld setup, and implementation.

Together we will:

  • Identify your key growth objectives and opportunities
  • determine short term and long term goals 
  • Do a 'Beliefs and habits deep dive' to discover how you think, what you’re 'programmed' to do, the roles you play, and identify your stress triggers.
  • Look at your primary creative outlet(s), key decisions + their results
  • Identify existing good habits
  • Build confidence, self trust, & self love

In our sessions we may:

  • Unravel tensions and revitalize your key relationships at work, with co-workers, clients, family, friends, acquaintances &/or significant other
  • Track the hormonal mooncycle for energy optimization & moods (if appropriate)
  • Address current challenges to improve presence ,  better positioning and negotiating for creative, best possible outcomes

Making life easier with Self care Strategy & Optimization 

  • Reposition self care and focus on ideal practices + create practices for when you get restless, bored, or reactive
  • Create optimization plan and next steps in order of priority
    • Immediate 
    • Level 2 priority
    • Level 3 priority
*Please note: some goals may require more time, accountability and/or growth. 
  • Restructure some time for personal growth in some/all categories::
    • Meditation, spiritual practice, contemplation, journal etc.
    • Exercise, sleep, dream
    • Healthier consumption
    • Service, seva, contribution
    • Nurturing social relationships, inc. dating, events
    • Workflow, (commute), performance, advancing and growth
    • Creativity, creation, ideas, 
    • Joyful discovery, learning, more fun + more love

This package includes
  • 2 x 50 min monthly Empowerment Coaching appointments- your preference: phone calls or video sessions
  • 2x a month email (or messaging) check-ins for clarity +goal setting recalibrations for:
    • empowering review and reframes
    • Optimization plans with action items and deadlines if appropriate
    • Encouragement and next steps + answers to any questions

Cancel anytime

$699 / month